Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Lord Baldamort...

Liam Bryne didn't get off to the best of starts in his role a Cabinet Officer Minister when the details of a memo he wrote for staff called "Working for Liam Bryne" was leaked. Cue much hilarity about this anal little man's desire for soup, coffees and salads on the hour and to minute precision.

He came to the forefront of public anger during the Smeargate scandal when he was put on the television to defend Gordon and co. Bryne is very good at lying through his teeth and gives the impression of being totally and utterly deluded. He has been back on the airwaves today defending Gordon and trying to suggest that these resignations are due to the expenses scandal and not a timed attack on his dear boss.

Watson knew it was over - hence why he went yesterday. Bryne can cling on to the end though - he doesn't have to rush back to his seat to rescue his post government career - Bryne is sitting on a ten thousand majority. He can afford to stay right to the end of the swan song. He is making himself look like a fool though.

There is no way he really can believe what he is spouting. He said the Prime Minister would be continuing with “wide-ranging and ambitious plans to accelerate our recovery” over the next few weeks, and added that it is important that he has the team he wants behind him. On the resignation of Hazel Blears he said: “I don’t think it’s a real surprise that in the current environment – that some people take quite personal decisions about what they want to do next. “It’s not a surprise when the media puts people under such pressure that people take these personal decisions. I’m not criticising the media in any way, it’s simply an observation."

It's just lies and spin. Blears would have gone weeks ago if she hadn't thought she could survive the expenses scandal. It was Gordon's behaviour and leadership style that drove her out and for Bryne to go on TV and suggest otherwise is a lie. Liam Bryne should take a long hard look in the mirror.

As Nan would say - "What a load of old shiiite."

Quotes -


Mungo said...

Hopefully slaphead's non-truths will come back to haunt him though.

He can only be goading Hazel Blears to come out even stronger against Brown after the election.

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