He doesn't sleep, he waits.
Over the last few days there has been one backbencher who has excelled even his Shadow Cabinet seniors in articulating the outrage felt in the Conservatives, the Commons and the wider world at the shameful arrest and detention of a Member of Parliament.
This man had dominated the television news coverage all weekend, expressing his support for his successor. The going is getting tough now for the Tories. Not only are they fighting a political party, but now they are fighting the entire might of a corrupt regime. A regime that uses the police to stamp out opposition.
When the going gets tough there is only one man who the Conservatives need back at the centre of their team.
He's a man that could strangle you with a cordless phone...
A man who doesn't read books, merely staring at them until he gets all the information he needs...
A man who can slam a revolving door...
A man who doesn't wear a watch because he decides what time it is...
The reason Wally is hiding...
The person the bogey man checks under his bed for...

It's time to bring back David Davis.
I agree he should be back and hitting Gordy hard.
Also wasn't it a breath of fresh air to see Ken Clark on Andrew Marr's show.
C'mon Dave get the big hitters onside - nail Brown for what he is - he's trying to destroy this country
- he's trying to destroy this country
Too late, he's already done it.
For a minute there TB, I though you were talking about The Stig...
DD is a better driver than even Lewis Hamilton... maybe he is the Stig after all!
Full marks.
That was very funny.