Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Vintage Boris:

Apologies for the shameless use of Twitter for amusing stories today, TB isn't

the only one
, but having a very busy afternoon knee deep in the law. Looking into the ins and outs of fraud by misrepresentation and the legal nightmare this entails. All will be revealed...

Anyway in the mean time this made TB laugh. A lot:
Ken was born?

TB always presumed he congealed in a gutter somewhere.

Follow Tory Bear on Twitter

Do you need a receipt?

Nice to see that the NUS, an organisation with an overdraft almost the size as UK plc, isn't cutting back on presidential perks:

Seems President Streeting has as an equally causal disregard for his member's subs as the rest of the trade union movement.

Media handling - Fail.

TB bets that whoever designed Brian Binley's

shockingly bad website
didn't factor in the thought that the scrolling BBC news feed might one day be leading with a scandal about their boss:
You'd think he would want his own spin on the scandal, that he is denying, to be the most prominent mention of it...


Seems those pesky Lib Dems have decided to ban Tory Bear from their
, again. Apparently they don't appreciate a little bit of scrutiny and think that banning one his many points of access will stop this. TB would avoid reading the Mirror tomorrow if you are of the sandal wearing, bearded, yellow freak variety.

Not so Liberal now are you?

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Smoke and mirrors?

Strange timing on the

Devine show trial announcement
from the Labour Party. Could they perhaps be wanting to deflect a few headlines from a certain Minister who has been under fire all day and could well be on his way to resigning twice in quick succession?
Perhaps Mr Malik will be swinging by the Star Chamber soon.

Who is TB?

If you are one of those readers often enthralled about who the mystical TB really is, then you should probably tune into BBC News 24 sometime around 19.15 tonight.

Will Malik stand down again?

Tory Politico
raises an excellent point:

"The last time the Mr Malik was investigated, he stepped down from his role as Justice Minister. Now that a fresh probe of his expenses claim’s is on the cards will he stand down again?"

Guess we will have to wait and see...

The COPs close in on Malik

web is closing
in around Shahid Malik and his dodgy expenses. Sky are now running with the story so fingers crossed the pressure can be sustained.

Some people just don't know how to resign with dignity.

Labour is broken.

TB had the misfortune of bumping into an old Labour friend on the train home last night. Having spent a lovely evening with Sister Bear, and even running into a former Lady Bear, the journey back to the sticks was made even more painful by having to endure the shit chat from this chap that was mainly focused on what "a larf" it was that Bercow was going to be elected Speaker.

TB was at the hustings yesterday afternoon and had to endure this pathetic little brown-noser winking, laughing and waving at his imaginary friends in the audience, (also why is it necessary to nod in agreement to everything your opponent says when behind the scenes you are phone banking through the night slagging them off?) If he sows up the victory it will be another dark milestone for the Labour Party.

The fact that apparently over one hundred Labour members are "supporting" him shows just how morally bankrupt the PLP has become. They don't like this man, but, the thought of scoring one over the Conservatives is too much for many of them to take. It's this mentality that proves just how unfit Labour are for government. They are more concerned with scoring party political points than doing what is best for the country. Labour is rotten to the core. As
this report
shows, there are far better candidates running for Speaker than Bercow, and greater candidates have dropped out of the race for being in Bercow's position- hated by half the House. The Tories could have kept Frank Field in the race but they saw the light and realised what a pathetic thing electing someone who is hated by half the organisation they must represent would be.

If the Labour Party elect their slimy little pet then they should hang their heads in shame. We can't go on like this. This bunch of tribal, vicious, partisan fools must be booted out before they cause irrevocable damage to this nation and forever destroy our once great institutions. If they can't even elect a decent Speaker, someone respected by both sides, someone who is suitable for the job, then they deserve to be routed even sooner than will already happen.

A Bercow victory?

Will the last person to leave Westminster turn off the light...

Lifting the lid on the sand pit...

The Independent
have written a deep feature on the youth wings of the British parties. The close-to-death Young Labour/Labour Students barely get a mention, though this is hardly a surprise given the decline in membership and the total rejection of socialism by the next generation who have grown up with twelve long years of lies. CF get the standard write up, not as right wing or embarrassing as we once were apparently. Which is nice. Liberal Youth are given plenty of room to spin their thang, but their failings are exposed too. Favourite opener from Bagshaw: "Errr nooo"

Helped along gently with the odd quote from TB.

Monday, 15 June 2009


TB just found this in his inbox:

"Dear all,

The Daily Mail requires six people to work for them from Thursday 18th June through to Monday 22nd June. They need them to pore over the MPs Expenses which are being released sometime on the 18th/19th June. You will be paid and it should be possible to work from home. If you would like to share out the work of one person and do it as part of a group, this should also be fine.

If any of you would like to be considered or have any further questions, please contact blah blah blah"

Having been done over by The Telegraph for the last month you can put money on the Mail praying there is still some juice for their little room of helpers to find. Interesting they went through the
as well. There must be a hundreds of desperate hacks finishing various journo courses right now who would kill for a break on a national paper.

Not long till the second wave of expenses scandals...
UPDATE 1am: A commenter makes a very good point:
"This might have something to do with an article in the Daily Mail (pre-Telegraph revelations) which suggested that unredacted MPs expenses would show that a number of MPs were having affairs (i.e. claiming for the same hotel room). Just a thought."

Russia's Got Talent

Not for the light hearted.

Tip of the Hat to
Old Holborn

Guest Post - Muheed Jeeren

TB's good buddy Muheed Jeeren has penned this from Sri Lanka where he has returned to live after studying in the UK. A big player on the Boris campaign and a general legend, he gives an interesting insight into the relationship between the Muslim community and the Conservative Party.

I am a Muslim who is very loyal to the Conservative Party. I recall my first journey into conservative politics while I was at the University of Portsmouth doing my degree. I got the impression from my ethnic minority friends that conservative politics was forbidden territory for us. This created a certain curiosity in my mind to explore the party’s policies and aspirations. After I joined the Conservative Party and started to work with my fellow conservatives, I got convinced of the true image of the conservatives. The Tories are very eager to look after the interests of ethnic minorities and also eager to build better relationships and goodwill among all communities.

During the London Mayoral Election 2008 election a vicious campaign was carried out against the Conservative Party and Mayoral candidate Boris Johnson alleging that he was going to interfere with the religious activities of Muslims in the capital by banning their holy scripture. A ridiculous idea designed to distract the Muslim voters from supporting the Conservatives. False allegations like this made it harder for me to campaign within the Muslim community. But I kept my great confidence with the Tory candidate for Mayor and the party for it’s commitment to serve the minorities. However The Labour Party won the votes of the majority of Muslims by using this dirty trick. But we won the election and today Boris is doing a fantastic job by serving everybody alike without any discrimination. A case in point is the appointment of Munira Mirza and Kulveer Ranger as his advisers. The Labour Party’s myth that Conservatives don't care about minorities has been exposed by this act to be untrue. I am very proud to call myself a loyal Conservative activist who comes from a Muslim background.

I am confident that the Conservative Party will become the next government. It will have the right solutions to all the problems faced by the British people. Also it will offer satisfactory responses to the minorities. I am confident that David Cameron will give effective leadership to the nation to achieve prosperity.

The Conservative Party is wants to give people more power and control over their own lives to make the right decision themselves unlike Labour, who believe in top down governmental control over people. It believes in the people's wisdom and is willing to trust the people with the important decisions of their lives, sharing the responsibilities of governing with them. These principles above make me proud be a member of this great party.

(ed: Sound. )

Homophobia is Gay...

has been digging out photos of Luke Richards, the (former?) President of the Warwick University Liberal Democrats. TB too wonders what Brian Paddick, the gay Lib Dem candidate to be Mayor of London, would have to say about Mr Richards comments regarding the shooting of homosexuals in order to prevent the spreading of "the disease". The comments have now been pulled from the closed section of the
Liberal Youth Forums
where they were prominently displayed until late yesterday. TB wonders how active Richards was during this recent campaign from Liberal Youth:
Guess we will have to wait until later this morning to find out what Cowley Street will have to say about this matter. As TB said last night, if this was a tory who had made these comments, the tabloids would be running it by now and kicking up a right fuss.

Why the double standards?

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Nothing yet...

No word from the Mirror newsroom, yet. Here, TB will make it a little easier of you. Here is a picture of the Liberal Democrat student leader who said that gay people should be shot. Even an MP in the picture too, for good measure. Well done to
for digging it out.

Any newspaper that wants to buy the original images of the quote in question should contact TB.

You would if it was a tory standing next to Dave...

Tabloid Double Standards Test

"I'm perfectly liberal, I just think gays should be shot before they spread the disease to us straights."

Luke Richards

Warwick University Liberal Democrats

Whether it's a joke or not isn't the point TB is going to make, but, if a member of Conservative Future made that stupid comment
then it would give some lazy hack at the Mirror etc a very easy afternoon's copy. Thus they would be expelled from the party and sent to Coventry etc. So it will be interesting to see what happens when a young Liberal Democrat puts something stupid into writing. Something tells TB there won't be the standard tabloid tory-boys-are-evil style rant.

Go on prove TB wrong... didn't think so.

One for the weekend...

Apologies for the lack of stories. After what was a hectic, but great, week TB let of a little steam at a couple of parties.

Just got back from deepest Somerset. Bit of a mission to get home on two hours sleep, but god damn it those west-country folk can party. Camera wasn't working, but imagine this tune was playing loud from the top of a hill, looking over the Avon, as the sun came up:

Cracking night.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

With friends like these...

It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is no one as ruthless a wannabe hack, but it's never very nice when someone you considered to be on friendly terms with sells you down the river for the sake of a thirty quid by-line.

This is James Ellingworth, a student newspaper hack on Edinburgh's
Obviously so desperate to impress the bigger boys during his work experience week at the Herald, TB bets that "Smelly Ellie" (as the hacks call him behind his back, "apparently"), really thought he had made it when he could get his little name in print by doing over Tory Bear.

Luckily Scotland's finest at the Herald thought it better to remove most of the bullshit that Ellingworth had filed.
Ended up with a bit of free advertising
! Oh and poor little James only got his name in the print edition.

So beware hacks, James Ellingworth will sell his grandmother for a by-line.

Never before has TB come across someone whose ambition so outweighs their talent.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Party in the city...

Here's what the

Evening Standard
has to say tonight about the
Sunlight COP
s little stunt this morning:

* FRESH from putting the spotlight on Labour's Shahid Malik, the Sunlight Centre for Open Politics, founded by Paul Staines, aka Guido Fawkes, and XXXXX XXXX, aka Tory Bear, have moved on to Lib Dem Lord Rennard. Staines delivered a letter which queries Rennard's £41,678 expenses incurred by claiming that his home in Stockwell, instead of Eastbourne, is his "holiday home." Staines, XXXX and friends today staged a beach party outside Rennard's South London residence, complete with girls in bikinis, Pimm's, a beach ball and of course a lot of sand. Sadly it sounds like Rennard missed all the fun.

Bit of pink fizz at nine am really set TB up nicely for the day.

In the summertime...

Transition from student bum to full time media whore was quite a shock to the system, been quite a morning- capped off with a slot on BBC News 24. TB is now splicing up a video of this morning's fun and games outside Lord Rennards "holiday home" in Stockwell:
Watch this space.