Sunday, 27 September 2009

THAT question

Of all the lazy Sundays to sleep until high noon and miss Marr and Boulton, today clearly wasn't the one. So Marr, of sycophantic 2007 cancelled election interview fame, actually plucked up the courage to give the sweating Prime Minister a platform to quell the speculation about his health and pill popping tendencies. Well Gordon technically denied it in words. He was referring to reguarly taking painkillers not anti-depressant though and looked extremely uncomfortable about the unexpected question.

It's not like he's never lied before is it.

Exclusive - Footage of the Treasury Mole

The Mail


The row over the so-called ‘Treasury mole’ flared again last night after one of Chancellor Alistair Darling’s staff resigned to take a job in the private office of Shadow Chancellor George Osborne.

Yesterday, the mandarin’s defection prompted a war of words between Labour and the Tories, amid suggestions that the official could have been linked to a series of damaging leaks about the Government’s economic plans.

The sense of intrigue surrounding the move then deepened after both sides refused to name the man.

Well TB has managed to get hold of some exclusive footage of the man:

Ok so maybe not.

Saturday, 26 September 2009


It seems the Go Fourth tweetup/shindig had some infiltrators tonight. These pictures of prominent tory activists via

made the bear laugh:

TB was tempted to go along tonight but was taken down by some dodgy sushi. Better than being taken down by one of the Four Horseman of the Twapocalypse:

Left to further left:

Two of them have history of thumping people after all.

Congratulations are in order... friend of the bear Julian Smith who was today
adopted to fight Skipton and Ripon
. Julian will make a fantastic MP. Come to think of it TB still owes him dinner from conference a few years ago.

Well there is another seat TB will dropping by to campaign in soon.

Quote of the Day

"But as I see the challenge ahead, I fear that my utmost will not be enough and I am not the best person to lead this party into the next election. Fairly or unfairly, the public have decided. If I am no longer an asset to my party in the battle to keep the Conservatives from power, then I know my duty is to stand aside and let someone else succeed. That is the greatest service I can offer. I hope I have been the right person to see the country through a crisis. But I fear I am no longer the best person to take Labour's good case to the electorate."

- Gordon's resignation speech as imagined by
Polly Toynbee

A bear can but dream.

Labour head to Brighton

Note to Gordon. Avoid the high tide. Not that it will do you much good.

TB wishes he could head down to Brighton to sniff out some stories but sadly it's not to be.

Hurrah for constituency weeks! It's been a long time coming; we have clawed our way through committee weeks, groped our way through group weeks, ploughed through plenary, but finally, finally we have made it, blood stained and dishevelled, to the promised land. All the MEPs have shoved off back home leaving the Parliament beatifically quiet, a bit like that grove I sometimes ride I Should Rococo through back home when I'm feeling contemplative, only with facebook and coffee. And with no MEPs about to stop us every five minutes to ask for the email address of some ex-prime minister or minor royal, or to find out everything there is to know about bleached coral, we assistants have finally been able to get on with our real business: that of running the EU. Five whole days of being able to highlight the pertinent info in a committee report in green and yellow (as required). Sometimes, this is as exciting as the European Parliament gets. This is one of those times, but I'm not complaining.

The nice thing about constituency week (apart from the fact that my ruler is once again lined up with the edge of my desk.. bliss), is that there's been a little more time in the day to catch up with the gossip back home. Of course Tory Bear is my first port of call for all my gossiping needs, but I have to admit, I'm a little confused by this Liam Byrne kerfuffle. You mean there are MPs out there who don't demand soup and that everyone laughs at their jokes? I may have to alert Jackie – sorry – Mrs Foster's office to this interesting new development. A mutiny may ensue.

Now I come to think of it, it seems to have been the week for odd goings on. Did Gordon Brown really win an award for World Statesman of the Year? Were Kissinger and Bono really present? Was he really hailed as a hero for stabilising the world economy, and showing compassionate leadership? Combined with the almost eerie quietness of Parliament (although the canteen is still heaving at lunchtime – why? Why? Who are these people?), reading this story rather made me feel a little strange in a detached sort of way, rather like that time Jenny brought back that cake from Amsterdam that smelled a little like Rococo's food supplements. I had suspected that I'd dreamt the whole sorry episode, but no mere nightmare could be that ghastly.

Nevermind, I spent much of Thursday afternoon introducing the Americans on the floor to the delights of Yes Minister and Spitting Image. It was a sort of cultural exchange: they've had me watching the Daily Show all week with that awful socialist Jon Stewart, so I got my own back with the Chicken Song. It served two wonderful purposes: a) cleared the eerie cobwebs of Brown's award which were still clinging to my mind, and b) totally baffled the Americans. What more could you ask of a comedy song on a rainy Thursday afternoon during constituency week?

Ed: Well quite.

Friday, 25 September 2009

The Foul Mouthed Daughter

You would think if your mother was gearing up to stand as the Leader of Welsh Labour when Rhoderi Morgan steps down at the upcoming Labour Conference, you would be a little bit more careful what you put on

your Twitter
Was it a family viewing of Question Time last night? TB is sure most of the cabinet would agree with young Estelle, but with a mouth like that, TB recommends Edwina Hart keeps her NUS/Labour Student hack daughter as far away from her campaign as possible.

Probably shouldn't write the speeches.

Tip of the hat to
Wales Online
. Enough people complained about TB's swearing in that last post. Neither were his words though!

Quote of the Day

"What the fuck is a floating duck house!?"

- An unknown Telegraph hack upon going through the reciepts for the first time.

Niall Paterson

Good Morning Mr Byrne...

Here is your cappuccino sir...

TB trusts your papers were set out before you got in this morning?

Don't Call Ed Miliband a Chav

It is rare that TB gets a reply from the near daily abuse he can't help but send Ministers of this dying government via the uber-access tool Twitter. Hence the chuckle he afforded himself when he clearly

hit a nerve
with Miliband the Younger:

He's definitely not a chav alright? Got that? Good.

You can follow TB on Twitter

Calling out the BS

Was only a matter of time:

Sign it here.

And call for Gordon to go while you're at it.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

BBC Delusion

A BBC political correspondent on News 24 was just talking about the arrest of Baroness Scotland's housekeeper. Discussing it in the context of "the story that won't go away" he said:

"Baroness Scotland was pretty much cleared by the UKBA"

WTF? Way to swallow the spin hook line and sinker. What a lightweight. Pretty much cleared?? As in fined £5000 for breaking the law and becoming a laughing stock of the entire Bar and Whitehall, forcing resignations and and media storm?

Wouldn't like to see what the BBC would consider "being found guilty" looks like.

Let The Games Begin


called this
one earlier:
He imagines
Loloahi's story
will go something along the lines of..

"I showed her everything, if she had looked properly she would have seen my visa had expired but she didn't bother to ask."

Something tells TB there will be a new AG on Monday morning.

Time For Your Espresso Mr Byrne...

TB hopes your staff made sure to
tell you everything in 60 seconds
today Liam?

Time For Your Soup Mr Byrne...

Just to remind you
what a twat
he is.

UPDATE: Caption Contest - Gehen Sie Viertens!

nswers in the comments, book for the winner.

UPDATE: This seems to have gone under the radar a bit yesterday. TB is back later, last chance to win a the copy of "
" by David Craig and Matthew Elliot.

You're not Ron?

TB isn't exactly sure what they are smoking is happening in this deeply surreal video. It's no Afternoon Delight, but it's the closest that Channel Four News will ever get to an Anchorman moment:

It will be a squirrel that can water-ski next.

Reservoir Dorks

While the rest of the party briefed against each other and generally squabbled, it seems Liberal Youth Chairman Elaine Bagshaw came up with some distinctly illiberal ways to maintain discipline within the youth ranks. TB's yella' fella' reported back that there were "tensions" within the organisation after this err oh so liberal soundbite:

TB was also whispered some highly amusing details of how Elaine kept her minions under thumb. The executive were given a whole host of rules, which she had apparently written down, telling them how they may or may not use Twitter and Facebook. She also banned the executive from using cameras during the "LY School Disco" (shudder) on Tuesday night. TB isn't exactly surprised by the last one, do you remember the last Liberal Youth kodak moment?

To put it mildly, the Liberal Youth membership aren't happy, though it is clear a bit of stick has been put about - normally lucid sources are being distinctly guarded since they got back. Something has happened and TB is curious. Either way Bagshaw is attempting to spin the trip to the seaside as a big success, when anyone outside of the bubble can clearly see Bournemouth '09 was a massive disaster for the Liberal Democrats in general. It's not as if they set the bar for LY success very high though is it:

The official
twitter feed
is spouting the success of LY media appearances, but TB will save his analysis of that for another day. Especially the blatant hypocritical opportunism of one in particular...


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Disinfecting Parliament


Sunlight Centre
's Juliet Samuel launched "Disinfecting Parliament" - a report about reforming MPs expenses on Monday. She writes in
The Tel

With the coming release of MPs 2008-09 expenses set to re-ignite public rage, Parliament is praying to a former chief bureaucrat for salvation. Sir Christopher Kelly and the committee he chairs, the Committee on Standards in Public Life, have spent the summer trawling through reams of oral and written evidence to try and come up with a new expenses scheme that will keep MPs on the straight and narrow. The Committee has been charged with re-jigging the expenses rules to lift Parliament out of the doldrums and, in Kelly's words , to go about restoring trust in public office holders.

But is Sir Christopher really the knight in shining armour that shame-faced MPs await? Can he possibly deliver on the grandiose aim of restoring trust in public office, in MPsin democracy, no less!

Unfortunately, there are reasons to think he wont.

Disinfecting Parliament is a shadow of the Kelly report that is expected out within the next month. With an introduction by
Douglas Carswell MP
, it sets out some simple yet radical reforms of the Commons that will end abuses of MPs expenses forever.

As TB well knows after many a proofing, it's
definitely worth a