Monday, 26 October 2009

Yes Please

If anyone fancies buying Tory Bear a present then how about the wireless Blackberry

? He has no idea how it works,
this article
is less than specific, but it sounds like it could be an incredibly useful bit of kit:

Or maybe something he'd use once or twice and get bored off like most other gadgets. Either way it is exciting that the technology is improving.

One day his battery will last forever, one day.

Miliband Cursed


Sunday, 25 October 2009

Cheers Klaus

TB is increasingly confident that Czech President Václav Klaus might just be able to pull
one off:

In a submission to the Czech Constitutional Court, which will decide tomorrow whether the treaty is compatible with the country’s constitution, Mr Klaus has suggested that it should be subject to a referendum.

The President, who is the only head of state yet to sign the treaty, attacked the EU notion of “shared sovereignty” as a contradiction that effectively means a loss of national control.

President Klaus made his written statement in support of a case against the treaty brought by 17 Czech senators, who have asked judges to rule that the agreement is unconstitutional because it transfers powers to Brussels. He also asked for a ruling on whether the treaty changed the terms of the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU in 2004 so significantly that a new referendum should be ordered.

The next beers are on the UK if he can.

Come on Czechs - do the right thing.

Quote of the Weekend

"I love being a libertarian, it's so much more fun than Islam."

-An anonymous Muslim delegate.

It's Back...

If you missed it last night make sure you catch the first episode of the new season of the Thick of It while it is
still on iplayer
. Can you see why TB was smirking now?

It is brilliant.

Saturday, 24 October 2009


Having a great time at Wellington College with the YBFers, follow TB's tweets here, or on the right hand side. Michael Forsyth's speech last night was excellent and congratulations to Emma Carr, this year's winner of the Eric Forth Award for Activism. Emma has done a wonderful job in the North East region and was quite the media darling of conference. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

Off to listen to Hannan, blogging will be light but follow TB's tweets

, or on the right hand side.

What is Power?

"You know, power is an interesting thing. I used to think political power was going to a political dinner. And then I thought political power was helping to put on a political dinner. And then I thought it was being invited to stay at the candidate's hotel in convention city. And then I used to stand in the hall outside of Sam Rayburn's suite at the political convention, and I thought that was something. And then I got to go into the living room of the candidate's suite, and I thought that was something. And then I found out there that all the decisions were made in the back in the bedroom. And finally, I was invited in the bedroom with the last eight or ten fellas, and then I knew I was on the inside -until I finally learned that they stepped into the john. In the end, just me and Jimmy Carter and Hamilton Jordan made the final decision in the john."

Robert Strauss
1972-1977 - Democratic National Committee Chairman,
1980 - Chairman of Jimmy Carter's Re-election Campaign

Friday, 23 October 2009

Dr Strange Eye


Busy Bear Berkshire Bound

Blogging hasn't exactly been top notch in the last few days and is only going to get worse as TB is off to Berkshire for the sixth annual
Young Britons' Foundation
Conference. He will be a busy bear for a couple of days, but fingers crossed he will find some time to keep the stories coming. Imagine there will be some gossip too. Oh and wish him luck for tonight.

Ta-ra for now.

Very Sound Video

is really warming up:

Also that music is very familier. Any clues?

Quote of the Day

"He was nervous, trembling, acting with exaggerated gestures, grinning at inappropriate moments and at times incoherent."

Iain Dale
discussing Nick Griffin.

Errrh remind you of

Thursday, 22 October 2009

#bbcqt Live Chat - Nick Griffin Edition

TB is not responsible for any views expressed here other than his own contributions.

Oh and Mods are Gods.

A Scene You Will Never See

You are selecting a candidate...

Imagine for a moment if you will, that you are on the selction panel to choose a PPC for your local seat. You are down to the final three:

Candidate A associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists, had two mistresses, he also chain smokes and drinks eight to ten martinis a day.

Candidate B has been kicked out of office twice, rises from bed at 11am, used opium in college and drinks champagne, brandy, and whiskey to excess every day.

Candidate C is a decorated war hero, vegetarian, doesn't smoke or drink, and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.

Which would you choose? TB will expand in the comments later.

Today and Tonight

TB is all over the place today sorting out his life, he will however be back tonight and hosting a Live Question Time Chat from 10.30. Come join for the shouting, the hysteria, the laughter, the tears, the fascists and the BNP.

Prediction: Griffin is going to look like the utter plank he is and the "Anti" Fascist authoritarian thugs will do their cause no favour. Also money says we will see this man.

Looking forward to hosting the fun and games tonight. You will be able to sync your twitter account to the chat room, if TB can make that work. Also email him if you fancy moderating.

Bring some beers.

He Was the Future Once

Via the excellent

Tory Politico

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Quote of the Day

"It seemed incredible that the prime minister should use parliamentary time to congratulate a disgraced home secretary for founding kindergartens when most of us believe this smug professional nag should be in court charged with £100,000 worth of fraud."

-Lloyd Evans in the

Donny Bear?

TB isn't sure whether to

laugh or cry

Textbook BBC Bias

You would think that a story starting with "Conservative chairman Eric Pickles will apologise..." is going to be a embarrassing, negative situation. But no, it's just

appalling negative framing
by the beeb of what is actually are very positive story.

Not surprised, but come on, try be a little subtle.

+++Student Life Meeting Postponed+++

The question time panel for London Universities that was scheduled to take place tonight has been postponed due to diary clashes.

Guess you'll just have to wait to hear TB's pearls of wisdom.