Friday, 24 April 2009

Every action has a consequence.

One of the most ridiculous images of the G20 protests was the hippies smashing up the nationalised RBS. In a completely and utterly counter productive measure, they ended up smashing government property, when in fact they were attempting to protest against the banks. Leaving the obvious hippies = idiots argument aside for another time, there is at least one bit of good news to emerge from that day.

The left have little or no grasp of the concept of other people's property. Whether it be their ridiculous views on taxation, that will now see citizens of this country being robbed of well over more than half of their income (once national insurance and council tax are considered.) Or how about their reckless invasion of airports that saw companies and people lose thousands of pounds in lost time and cancelled flights. Well it seems one of these pathetic Trotskyite fools is set to

learn the hard way
that every action has a consequence:
There is definitely no such thing as a free lunch for the, as of yet, unnamed girl who smashed up the RBS, and rightly so. If this girl, and the others that were involved, had thought for just one second; "Hang on, if I use this brick to smash up this bank, I myself will be prosecuted and bankrupt." Do you think she would have done it? Of course not. It is very rare that this sort of action is punished and this RBS case should be used a shining precedent. It sends a strong, clear message to every deluded, unwashed swampy.The right to protest is set in stone, however, that right cannot infringe upon the rights of others. If they do so...

You will pay.



Can I point out, she sounds like an anarchist, not a hippie. For a start, hippies are more cuddly and laid back. On top of that, breaking things isn't very pacifistic or environmentally friendly. :P

Anonymous said...

have you found out if it was lily kember yet tb?

Andrew Ian Dodge

Personal responsability & accountability for one's positively radical. About bloody time businesses went after destructive rioters.

Starbuck said...

Excellent point TB

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