Thursday, 9 April 2009

University dumbing down?

As a soon to be graduate of Edinburgh University, TB is often quick to defend it when people, such as the normally wonderful Margaret Mountford,

slag it off
and suggest that it is no longer the fine institution it once was. When you see them put out press releases like
however, you have to concur that the university that brought Dolly the sheep to the world can probably do a bit better than "Rabbit Week":
The birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment that educated four of the Founding Fathers, will be banning free speech next. Oh wait.



I think it all sounds good fun. We don't want to be stuck in the all high and mighty mindset.

Don't we have a new professor of rabbit medicine or something? I'm sure this is just a week to get her involved.

And bunnies are cute! Don't knock the bunnies!

Jordan D

To be fair - this is part of their community work they do every year at the Vet School. It's a good news story and let's face it, we could all do with more of those these days.

Anonymous said...

Still, it's not Oxbridge, is it?


Oxbridge would hold bunny weeks; they'd just do it in Latin and combine it with some cultish rituals. Oh, and they'd include some graduates but call them students.

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