Saturday, 18 April 2009

What are they hiding?

Ring ring.

Tory Bear: Hi there, my name is... I edit a blog called, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about the photos of Derek Draper on the Mirror website?
James Vallacott: No comment. 


Anton Howes

How rude.
He could at least have said 'bye'.


Helpful chappie!

Humpty Dumpty

In view of the fact that Kevin McGuire, Mirror political journalist, has now been shown to have been at the set up meeting for Red Rag, with Draper, McBride, Whelan et al, the removal of the pictures is even more intriguing.

It's also very interesting that there are other photographers shown in Vellacotts's pictures - so who did they work for and what happened to their photos??

Anonymous said...

The full EXIF data from the mirror blog photo also has a mobile phone number.

Anonymous said...

Have just heard that Kevin Maguire is on BBC 5 live today. Don't know what time, but it's an opportunity for someone to ask some searching questions. His grubby fingerprints are all over this after all

Anonymous said...

Tip: when doing a phone grill, don't make your first question whether you can ask them some questions. It gives them the opportunity to say No. Just ask the question. That way you get an on-record response to the direct issue, even if it is 'no comment'.

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