Monday, 11 May 2009

Douglas Carswell goes for it...

The Shadow Minister of Sound
Douglas Carswell
has launched a full assault on the Speaker Michael Martin:

"I've drafted the text of a motion for the Speaker to quit, and to be replaced by a new Speaker with a mandate to clean up the Commons. I'm consulting the Commons Table Office for advice on it.
I'm also starting to canvass for support for it from colleagues."

TB has managed to get hold of some video footage of what Carswell has been up to today:

Members from both sides of the House should get behind this motion. Martin is a dead man walking. This happened on his watch and he should be the first to admit that.

Why is he still the Speaker?



He's possibly still the Speaker because he has support from the majority of MPs. From all accounts he's a nasty man who can destroy someone's prospects just with a nod. Not very 'honourable gentleman' is he.

A disgrace to my country and he has brought trade unions into further disrepute.

His son's not much better btw.

insert-coin-here said...

So he is an anti-democractic dictator then?

No wonder NuLab protect him.

Good effort on the post TB,the fightback for our democracy starts here.

Owen Meredith

Added to that his statement in the House today said nothing, and he just looked like a weak and angry man!

Ruth said...

Gorbals Mick is a prime example of 'you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear'. Well-balanced - a chip on both shoulders.


Gorbals Mick is a prime example of 'you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear' - with apologies to sows everywhere for the comparison. A well-balanced man - chips on both shoulders!

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