Sunday, 3 May 2009

"A resignation statement is heard in silence and without interruption."

Hazel Blears
has dipped the knife in. It seems to be the New Labour style to write an article in a Sunday paper with what you actually want to say, swiftly followed by a Pyongyang style "I support the dear leader 100% etc" While some will never forgive him for what
he did
, at least Geoffrey Howe had the balls to put his money where his mouth is and resign before twisting the blade. Gordon Brown has his problems, as we all know, but it must not be forgotten that the problems of this government go far deeper than No10. Labour is rotten from the core, from the grassroots scandals of vote rigging, to the crooked union seed money, to the parliamentary party with their noses in the trough, and cabinet ministers way out of their depth. The ferrets are only focused on surviving the fight in the sack than actually running the country.

Are there any noble beasts left in Labour? Who will it be that will have the guts to actually resign rather than run late night meetings, secret briefings, all the while swearing blind loyalty to their deluded and drowning leader.

Yes TB is looking at you Mr Johnson, Clarke, Harman, Blears, Straw, Miliband x2 and Purnell.



good post!

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