Thursday, 4 June 2009

Shock: Radio's Iain Dale forgets the medium...

Once upon a time

Iain Dale
was a prominent TV pundit, however tonight it seems that he has got a little too used to his new found career as the eminent opinionated talk radio guru. He actually turned up to talk on the BBC in his PJs, dressed for radio it seems:
What has he done with that wonderful collection of Duchamp ties?


Mike Rouse

He's probably been doing back-to-back media since getting out of bed and hasn't had time to change... Mind you, perhaps he did turn up dressed for radio and was nabbed by the TV guys after the Bacon show because, well, he just happened to be around when the shit hit the fan.

Humpty Dumpty

He actually mentioned that the way he was dressed was due to the fact that he'd been booked for 5 Live and got hijacked as the Purnell story blew. Bet poor Iain was mortified!


tongue very firmly in cheek...


Give Me UKIP Over The Current Bunch of Tossers said...

Shock: despite the meltdown of the current Government, despite the economic crisis, despite the fraudulent behaviour of numerous MPs of various flavours (and imminent prosecutions) the best you can do is comment on some gay bloke's wardrobe. Is this the best you can do?

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