Friday, 5 June 2009

"Those who say we are in a time when there are no heroes...

...they just don't know where to look."

Five years ago today the world lost one of its finest conservative voices.

History will judge Reagan far kinder than the current undeserving occupier of the White House. There are few out there who will ever define conservatism and the role of the state in such an articulate and down to earth manner.

Somewhere out there, TB prays there is another Ronald Reagan.



My hero. Thank-you for this.


He is still sorely missed. I remember so clearly how the press and the Left vilified him for simply telling the truth about the evils that confronted us at the time.

And, thirty years on, they continue to lionize the pitiful, discredited Jimmy Carter.

Rest in peace, Mr. President. Perhaps you could intervene with the Almighty to send the US another one like you.

Dan Hannan is already spoken for...

Tory Poppins

Thanks Tb. Awesome!

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