Friday, 17 July 2009


Well it was pretty much inevitable that TB was going to spend his last day at work for six weeks feeling a little under the weather. Last night's drinks were a roaring success and was great to put names to new faces and sink pints with old ones. Thinking the karaoke might have to become a monthly thing...

Another morning sipping the diet coke eh.



So TB hasn't found the hangover cure yet? I don't ever get hangovers.

Steve G said...

Great night, great turnout & location.

Tory Rascal

Urgh. Can't believe I managed the whole front row, plus Pimm's and a stogie. Good times.


TTT hasn't found the miracle hangover cure yet, however salad usually works pretty well. Today, however, I don't think a salad is going to fix the croaky voice (too much enthusiastic karaokeing) or the feeling that I should never drink Sambuca again! A good night had by all concerned Je pense!


So, Tb did you manage to get surrounded by blondes?

Anonymous said...

Looked like brunettes from where I was standing.

Anonymous said...

What, no blondes? How dull.

Mike Rouse

Sounds like I left far too early.

Anonymous said...
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