Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Sweary Dave

Dave was

told off
twice this morning for getting all sweary. Twat here, pissed off there. Lucky he wasn't in the States. The line about twitter was fantastic though - “The trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it, is I think that too many twits might make a twat." A fair point, as was this line; “The public are rightly, I think, pissed off - sorry, I can’t say that in the morning - angry with politicians.”

So who are these twats that Dave speaks of? Hattie Garlick over at
Comment Central
has helpfully compiled a list of village tweeters.

It seems Dave was quick to reassure the tweeting Tory head of press that he didn't mean him.
Henry Macrory
was quick to play down the "incident":

"No offence was meant, and none should be taken... but DC tells me he'll use tweeter language in future.."



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