Thursday, 23 July 2009

What is the point of Liberal Youth?

James "little ginger runt" Harrison took the words right out of TB's mouth..."errrrh"

Painful to watch.



You find it painful to watch? Try being a lib dem and watching it! It's cringeworthy

LM said...

Painful to watch is an understaement. What a useless bunch of people from a pointless party. Time to pack up and go home...


Sad,very, very, vert sad. But funny. :-)

Anonymous said...

Where can I re-claim the last 10 mins of my life? What a bunch of wet uninspiring tossers. What the hell was he wittering on about star trek for? The worst of it is that I can just imagine Gordon Brown there, flicking his fringe, biting his nails and talking shit.

For the love of God put some more totty on or dish some dirt but please no more of this painful, meaningless drivel.

chris boothroyd

Owch. Painful, just painful to watch.

Isn't the idea of political parties to appeal to the majority of the electorate so they therefore get elected? Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot...


Homophobia's gay? What a Scottish way of putting it.

HP2010 said...

Would have preferred to have seen an un-edited version of this. I am guessing that you have edited this to include the questions which has attacked the individuals - can't help but feeling you might be trying to hide something...

Is it just me or does it look like that TB is running out of material?? Either they are sharpening up, or your loosing your touch.


im on holiday. throw me a fricken bone.


I regret to say that this hasn't been doctored, it's straight from James' Youtube channel :(

Anonymous said...

Painful does not even come close to this debacle. If people need any explanation why the Lib Dems have been and will always be the third party, it is there for all to see....

Starbuck said...

If Nick Clegg were any sort of a man, and I do respect him on a level, he would sharpen his knife and sever the tie to this seemingly abysmal organisation. That is not a sensational statement, they really do need to start AGAIN from scratch.

It's not a proactive youth wing of a 'significant' political party, it's a pile of uniformed and naive individuals who do no justice to engaging the apathetic youth with politics. They do more harm than good in this respect, especially the chap on the far right (of the table).

Anonymous said...

As if the LibDam's where not embarrassing enough already! Then these people come along and top it all off!

Christian May

Oh dear oh dear.

Anonymous said...

Things I'd like to see - Tory Bear pitch up at Liberal Youth Autumn Conference, take part in a debate and try and impress.

C Leslie

Oh dear oh dear, Tory Bear darling, why do you have nothing interesting to say?

This video as an on the spot media exercise, in a relaxed and informal environment.

Most of this panel had never done any public speaking before, and actually, I think it was pretty damn good for a first attempt.

Oi, all of you idiots above me - do you want to create a country with no political interest what so ever? Why the obsession with attacking some unpaid, part-time student politicians? I think you would all be happier if these people weren't interested in politics at all, and didn't vote, and really, that's rather sad.

Any chance of a similar video from CF? No, didn't think so.

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