Friday, 4 December 2009

Caption Contest - Foulkes and a Bear

TB hears that Foulkes might not be such a fan of this bear.


Anonymous said...

Socialist bear in the woods with foulkes. What is it they do again?

Rab C. Nesbitt

Stop blogging or the bear fucking gets it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are some bears that are right up his alley.

Posh Tory

Guido slipped a bit when his mission of toppling Labour was over.

Anonymous said...

feedback on the conservatives on the TV over the last few days…

if the Conservatives cannot front up some educated folk with underclass/working class/or even middle class accents to put their points they are going to struggle

brown was right to hit straight for the biggest weakness of the conservatives

if cameron thinks surrounding himself with folk with inherited wealth and public school backgrounds is a winning strategy he is badly mistaken

frankly it terrifies me that folk think they can run the country with such a poor cross section of the population reflected in their ranks

and this is from someone who badly wants you to win!

please please tell me the conservatives have a plan to address this?

Kirstie Allsopp? Zac Goldsmith? is this the best talent the country has available? i think not

Anonymous said...

Foulkes "I'm a politician, you know! tell them Mr Snuggles!"
Minder "That's nice George, now lets take you home...."


The red bear is the one to listen to! So says the voices in my mind!

pizza boy said...

Foulkes: no bear just bull!

Jess The Dog

Rab C Nesbitt on the lash, with his new drinking pal, the week before the whisky rampage.


They say he slept his way to the top...

Wooly Tory said...

Ron Davies had his badgers, I have my bear.


Nobody else loves me.

Roger Pearse

Can politics bear politicians like this?

Billy Blofeld

'Time for bed said Big Ted'



Foulkes caught off guard, screaming blue murder as disguised bear pulls off character assassination.

Holyrood Patter

i wont even try and beat annonymous 4

Anonymous said...

Tory Bear and Foulkes - polar bears apart!

Anonymous said...

TB - start moving the blog to an offshore domain 'Guido-style' and start shipping your substantial wealth offshore NOW.

Schillings weren't big enough arseholes and Carter-Ruck want to get their reputation back after that little local difficulty recently.

Of course, you could always jack it in - but they are coming after you big time, I'm sorry to report.

Forewarned is forearmed...

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! That gerbil up my arse feels gooooood...


Mr Bear

I have picked up a cyberstalker who claims that you're about to out me as a "Labour parliamentarian" - presumably the good Lard Foulkes.

Hilarious, no?

Anonymous said...

Did the lovely George ever have a crush on that Welsh Labour guy who went hunting badgers in the undergrowth near Bristol? Gosh whatever next...

Joel J said...

Foulkes: "Shut up! It's not a dress! If you don't stop calling it a dress, I'll sue you!"

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