Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Joanne Cash? Hello?

Talking of silence, the Joanne Cash situation is becoming increasingly ridiculous. Nobody will comment on whether she is still the candidate or not. Frankly to serve as a Member of Parliament is an honour that rises above petty inner association squabbles and for Cash to throw the chance away in a row, as she allegedly did, says a lot about her suitability for the role.

This has to be sorted, publicly now. If she is the candidate, fine, she can pick up the pieces on the doorstep and try salvage anything close to a shred of credibility, but if she really has quit then she should put her money where her mouth is and come out and tell us that. It is a tight situation and every day matters if a new candidate needs to be selected.

With three months until a General Election this is pathetic and frankly with all the dithering and deliberate game playing going on today it should be pretty clear how to resolve this.



For once, we agree on something! No CCHQ briefing line on this, then? ;P

Anonymous said...

maybe that was the official cchq line

who knows what game tb is playing

Anonymous said...

Even weirder is how much her husband looks like Jimmy Carr would if his skeleton suddenly shrunk inside his body.

Anonymous said...

One rule for Cam's own people and one rule for others perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Despite all that can be said against her, Joanne Cash is kind of nice looking, though. I'd do her, maybe three times. If not more.

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