Saturday, 28 February 2009

A message from David Cameron

This email from David Cameron was just sent to the Conservatives' mailing list:
Sam and I have been overwhelmed by all the letters, cards, emails and flowers we have received about Ivan. Sending an e-mail this week just gives us both a chance to say a big "thank you". It means a lot to know that others are thinking of us and him.

We always knew Ivan wouldn't live forever, but we didn't expect to lose him so young and so suddenly. He leaves a hole in our life so big that words can't describe it. Bed time, bath time, meal time - nothing will feel the same again.

We console ourselves knowing that he won't suffer anymore, that his end was quick, and that he is in a better place. But we all just miss him so desperately.

When we were first told the extent of Ivan's disability I thought that we would suffer having to care for him but at least he would benefit from our care. Now as I look back I see that it was all the other way round. It was only him that ever really suffered and it was us - Sam, me, Nancy and Elwen - who gained more than I ever believed possible from having and loving such a wonderfully special and beautiful boy.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Man on fire

Apparently a man set himself on fire outside Parliament today. TB can't seem to find out anything else about it other than this
BBC report
. Can't help but think of that Ricky Gervais sketch..."Wait you're going to set yourself on fire..."

UPDATE: 23.00:
FoxNews is speculating that this could be a Tamil protest

Another day, another Dolly boo boo...

Good morning Derek,
TB hopes your head isn't too sore after a night out at the Labour Party party. How was hanging out with blogging sensations Alistair Campbell and JP? After you got your little friend's lawyers to get on to this bear about certain awkward photos stolen from OK! magazine, Tory Bear was a bit grumpy about letting a washed up, disgraced oaf get one over him. Just moments later though, he couldn't help notice, upon accidentally clicking through to your site, that you are a bit of a hypocrite Derek.
You made a big fuss about what others are doing, but once again you failed to check your own shop
was in order
. As TB is sure you know, you have to pay a minimum of $1 to use any istockphoto legally. They display all photos with a watermark as a sample only. If you wish to reproduce the image you have to purchase it.
Oh dear Sir, not only are you a liar but a hypocrite too.

But then we all always knew that didn't we.

All best
Tory Bear

PS. If the above photo of the ballot box disappears it's becuase it's hosted on LabourList and Derek has removed it. Don't worry TB saved a copy too...

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Essex boys up the game...

There is growing concern across the country that Conservative Future isn't receiving enough support from CCHQ. Given there are once again no staff running operations this is hardly surprising. While things like freshers campaigns and some guidance from the top is necessary, the best work that Conservative Future does comes from organic grassroots ideas. A prime example of this would be the three councillors from Essex, who have set up a network that will train young people in how to get elected to your local authority, guiding them through the application and selection processes. TB will be keeping an eye on what is going on down in Essex because if it is successful it would be an excellent model for regional coordinators to roll out across the country.

Councillor Nicklen, one of the founding members, himself of CF age commented “Its an exciting opportunity to increase the number of young people in local politics and dismiss the assumption young people are apathetic. I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure this committee works effectively in achieving its goals” Cllr James Cottis, added,"Since I was elected in 2006 when I was 24, I have seen a range of younger Councillors being elected and I believe that we have the duty to mentor younger Councillors.”

Though support my be dwindling for CF from the central office, the movement on the ground is growing. This is not the time for CCHQ to engage in a war with CF as we should be on full election watch. On the eve of battle it's not wise to piss off your troops. The numbers of people going through
training, people like these councillors and recently Clare Hilley too, show just how serious the conservative youth movement in this country is becoming. While a top down organisation wouldn't be ideal, a little support from the top would be appreciated.

There is an open letter brewing in TB about this whole issue, but in the mean time well done to this lot and to others around the country who are working every day on a volunteer basis to change this country for the better.

Does he really have nothing better to do?

Yesterday was a sad day and yet strange too. Today's press has picked up on what was immediately clear in the Commons at noon yesterday - the death of Ivan Cameron may have significantly changed Gordon Brown and David Cameron's relationship. Yesterday the empathetic Brown was a human being, and his genuine and heartfelt statement shows just how false he has been in the past. No one can argue that wasn't the real face of Gordon Brown, rather than the line drilled into him by the army of spin doctors and advisers that make up the poison he normally spouts. While the House was in unity yesterday, so was the blogosphere. Friends and critics of Cameron, from both

, came together to voice their sympathy. It was a rare and poignant moment. Even Labourlist
a nod through gritted teeth.

But back to the partisan wars for Derek Draper today...

TB had to chuckle when Dolly responded to a post on this blog with some thinly veiling threats. This is what he said after TB reproduced some photos of Derek and his wife:
Derek Draper

firstly, you wanna make sure richard desmond's lawyers don't see this rip-off and secondly on my "drinking" you are making a complete fool of yourself. I have never drunk to excess and indeed havn't even been mildly drunk for over twenty years. pathetic smears. pathetic.

What a surprise it was to get a letter then from the very same lawyers today then! Seems like they got a little complaint from Dolly. TB is surprise the publicity craving, attention seeking twat didn't revel in the fact his mug was broadcast around the internet. The guy is a joke. He claims to be wanting to run a serious internet project, yet spends his day grassing in his opponents to his wife's mates. Grow up.

From now onwards TB will make a point only ever to use this picture in reference to Derek Draper:
That should do the trick.

Busy Bear...

TB is a very busy bear. Currently up to his neck in dissertation. Apologies for the lack of blogging.

Normal service will resume soon.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Ivan Cameron

TB is shocked to have woken up to the news that Ivan Cameron has died. His thoughts are with David and Samantha and he can't imagine the hell they are going through. The statement from Brown has been just realeased, perhaps because of the empathy involved, it has for once captured the sentiment of the country:

"Sarah and I were very saddened to hear of the death of Ivan and we have sent our condolences to David and Samantha. The death of a child is a loss no parent should have to bear.I know Ivan was a child who brought joy to all those who knew him and his was a life surrounded by love. The thoughts and prayers of the whole country are with David, Samantha and their family."

PMQs is understandably off. Statement from Brown and Hague at 12.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Good news.

Another former Conservative Future excutive member has been

selected for a seat
. Though the majority is 13k
Karen Allen
will have the double pleasure of fighting her home constituency and taking on the increasingly embarassing David Milliband.

Could she be the Stephen Twigg of 2010?

TB hopes so and wishes her the best of luck.

Cue backlash...

Tory Bear has written a comment piece about the recent farcical student protests for the Edinburgh newspaper

The Journal
. It seems he has already "tickled a few trouts" even though the article has only been up for a few hours.
"When a dozen or so students stormed their campus, university officials cut the power, wifi and access to loos. They refused to negotiate, and very soon the whole thing began to fizzle out. That was New York University. The reaction at Edinburgh was a very different affair, one that has left the reputation of the university tarred and set a worrying precedent. A strange phenomenon has spread from campus to campus this term in the form of a small bunch of well organised, well equipped and well out of line protesters illegally occupying various buildings across American and European universities. The general model for these sit-ins has been the same: get in there, take some photos, set up a blog and watch the chaos ensue as you block thousands of students from receiving the education for which they are paying. How much these protests have actually achieved is open for debate. Last time I checked I don't think the Israeli government was considering a radical change in policy based on twenty-odd students, a guitar and the "creative space" they made for themselves to change the world in.

When the George Square Theatre was occupied last week, it at first seemed that the university was giving tacit consent to the actions of the protesters. They kept the wifi on, allowing them to pump their thinly disguised anti-Zionist thought across the world via their website and Flickr. This really was a 21st century protest, as the glimpse into their press operation showed. I wonder what the protesters of '68 would have thought about sitting around drinking herbal tea while furiously typing into your Mac and checking the Blackberry. The university even opted to keep the heating on, fearing that because of health and safety laws, the building had to be kept above a certain temperature. "

You can read the rest of the article

The Journal's normally semi-level headed leader writer seems to have a
wee dig
at TB for unduly criticising these protesters, but it's hardly unfair to raise the point that real hippies don't have Macs and Blackberries. (The evidence of which was strangely recently removed from their
.) Whatever you want to call them, be it champagne swampies, eco-rahs, or middle class idiots throwing their toys out of the pram while pretending to be oh-so-bleeding-heart socialists, they deserve to be ridiculed. They might have tried to hide it but luckily TB saved the evidence for just this occasion:
Though it has been temptestuous in the past, TB is beginning to enjoy the relationship he has with The Journal. Though they were
far from helpful
during his own
into the horrible world of
student politics
, and every week less than fair to friends, he does enjoy banter like this and the platform for
lefties. They have been in financial trouble recently and had to be bailed out by the student's association for office space for the next year, after they couldn't make the rent and get an edition out. While it would be a shame to see the entrepreneurial venture go under, news is reaching TB this morning that there might be further trouble for the team...

Details are sketchy but Tory Bear understands the ball is in motion for legal action to be bought against the paper by an Edinburgh student.


Off with their heads...

Apparently this is an

"offensive symbol"
Apparently it is the
"butchers apron..."

Though the nats use it all the time about their beloved Saltire, TB would like to remind you all of what Henry Beecher once said: "A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation's flag, sees not only the flag, but the nation itself; the government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the nation and sets it forth."

Long live the Union flag and the great nation it represents.

These cyber-nats are bordering on treason.

Hat-Tip -
Scottish Unionist

Monday, 23 February 2009

Mr Bear went to Westminster...

TB is having an excellent day shamelessly abusing his visitors pass, strolling the corridors of power. He had a couple of close run in's with some people who aren't exactly fans of the blog, but managed to get away with hiding behind pillars or a quick dive into his collar. Had to chuckle that Mrs Spellperson has get her own coffee now she's moved out of CCHQ and back to Portcullis House, TB wonders what she would have said if she'd known her favourite bear was in the queue behind her.

The Chris Grayling and Cameron event was apparently excellent this morning, TB didn't crash it, honest. Though not the greatest speaker, Cameron's attack dog proved that he was more than simply David Davis 2.0, giving a competent insight into his brief and his vision for giving oiks a "21st century clip round the ear." There was a wealth of shadow cabinet talent out in force, with Gove lending some helpful advice. The warm embrace that Damian Green gave to Phil Booth the national coordinator of NO2ID before things got going, suggests to TB that those two might have talked about one or two things before. Ran into some young councillors who are unveiling an interesting new project that TB will go into more detail about later.

Lunch with a co-conspirator and various coffees with hacks and old faces has left TB with a plethora of gossip and stories for the next few days... Off now to meet

Shane Greer
, that bloke off the telly.

Oh how there is scandal brewing... watch this space.

Why Gordon should go, in six sides...

TB couldn't put it better himself!

Another Monday morning treat...

Via the twitter feed of

TV's Shane Greer
, TB is most amused at what the BBC chooses to show their waiting guests at the Stage Door reception area at around midnight on an idle Sunday:

Once again the taxpayers money is being put to good use - a subscription to Movies4Men.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Bill Clinton loses his pussy...

Ah the jokes are endless and Tory Bear isn't sure what admitting to reading OK! and

Perez Hilton
's blog in one weekend will do for his image, but via the Hollywood bitch he has learnt the sad news that Socks the White House cat has "
gone to the big basket of warm laundry in the sky
Socks was Chelsea Clinton's adopted moggie and had free reign of the West Wing in the Clinton years. Humphrey the Downing St stray paled in comparison to the notoriety this kitty received. World leaders would make a point of posing for a photo with Socks when they were visiting. TB couldn't help but notice the alarming similarities between these two photographs though:
So farewell then Socks.

New T-Shirt...

Ever pissed off Dolly? Hate LabourList?

Blocked from his Twitter feed? Think Derek is a bit of a twat?

Been unlinked from LabourList or felt the wrath of his tongue?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above then Tory Bear has the t-shirt just for you:

Available for a limited time only, and yours for just a tenner from

Poor Birmingham...

Anything the two main parties do, the Lib Dems are

quick to follow
. After the Tories took over the ICC in Birmingham last autumn, Labour are set to follow this year, followed of course by Nick and the rest of the Johnny come latelys. The ICC is a big place and TB wonders if perhaps the Liberals are being slightly optimistic about being able to get the numbers to fill it.
TB wonders what the Rocket strip-club will do to greet their bearded and sandal-ed yellow punters...

Answers on a postcard.

Back where he belongs...

It has often been said that Derek Draper is stuck in the mindset of a student politician. Well it seems he is embracing this and has waded into the Durham student elections:

The poor candidates, an endorsement from Dolly is enough to put any voter off!

There have been better weeks. A pot of coffee and two bacon sandwiches later:
  • Week Four of Matthew d'Ancona being Labour's Sunday morning headache in the Telegraph.
  • Peter Hitchens wonders why Brown invited the Pope to a country that hates/clearly persecutes Christians in the Mail.
  • Patrick Hennessy catches up with Ken Clarke for the Telegraph
  • John Rentoul asks what a Cameron government will do in the Independent.
  • The Mail has got fantastic extracts from the secret diary of a Labour Minister.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Great slogan...

Like any normal person TB is spending his Saturday evening having a look at student elections in universities hundreds of miles from where he a) lives and b) goes. You have to laugh at this one from though:

TB can't find much about this guys politics but from the look of the people TB know's in the facebook group he must be pretty sound. The fact he is willing to go with that slogan doesn't seem particuarly lefty.

But regardless of politics, with a slogan like that he deserves to win.

Tory totty...

TB was having the standard right wing girls are fitter chat with a member of the Labour Party the other day. It's an argument that has got him into trouble

Give this video about thirty seconds and then try argue that it's not the Tories that have the totty:

TB rests his case.