Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Exclusive - The New Against The Odds PEB Leaks

OK so not really, but the day has arrived commie friends. This is the moment we have been waiting for proles and dolls. When we fight, we win!

That's right, today is the the day the inaccurate socialist lies will be peddled on national television. After the

absolute pasting
the Against the Odds video has received by an army of freelance fact checkers online, across the political spectrum, it is of no surprise it had to be sent back to the editing room before it could be aired tonight.

TB predicts the Bevin/Bevan epic cock up will be gone, as will JK "Give us a mill"Rowling and probably the outrageous claim to have freed Mandela. TB gave the vid his two cents here but for a more comprehensive savaging, check out this
no holds barred fisk
"“They said that working people were not fit to govern - so we formed the Labour Party”
A party where the intellect, stimulus and money was supplied by the decidedly middle-class Fabians and their friends.

“They said that women didn’t deserve the vote”
This glosses carefully over the fact that Emmeline Pankhurst, founder of the main suffragette movement, WSPU, was refused membership of the Independent Labour Party after she was encouraged to do so by her friend Keir Hardie. The refusal was on account of her gender. Several years before her death, Emmaline became concerned by socialism and joined the Conservative Party. We are of course still waiting for a woman to be elected leader of the Labour party, let alone become a Labour Prime Minister. The legislation to extend an equal franchise to women was brought in by Baldwin’s Conservative government in 1928."

TB's favourite comment so far has to be one of the ones left on youtube:
"After toppling apartheid, building the NHS, bringing peace to Northern Ireland and winning the second world war.. isn't it hard to stifle a giggle when Gordon Brown suddenly pops up @1.24 with... (drum roll)... Sure Start :-)

But I mock, GB is clearly a great man - just look! he walks with Barack Obama, at 2:12."
Labour PR machine
has gone into overdrive over this nonsense. "LOOK AT US WE LISTEN TO ONLINE TYPES!" It's weird to think that if the party is that broke, to the extent they have to recycle their amateurish videos to broadcast on TV, how/why are they paying for private polling about it? Kerry let the cat out of the bag on that one:
Meanwhile, the Labour Party’s strategists had noted the campaign. It’s clear the video appeals to Labour supporters, but then they tested it in focus groups of swing voters and it was going down well. And so the decision to update it and run it as the Queen’s Speech PPB was taken.

This decision is a victory for Labour’s thriving online community. It’s a victory for everyone who understands the power that new forms of communication are now giving us. And it’s a victory for the Labour Party who should be congratulated for acting so quickly to embrace the opportunity here.
Ugh, pass the trough. The left are rattled and they are shoring up their core base, simple as. This isn't about engagement online this is about clocking that some over excited kiddies gurgled and clapped their hands a lot when they saw something they liked. We are still months from an election and already Labour are being made to dance a merry tune by their out of touch and amateur membership, in a desperate bid to shore up votes. Role on 17.55 BBC 2.

TB will have a spring in his step and whistle on his lips this morning.


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