Tuesday, 17 November 2009

How's this for a Moral Compass?

There is an exciting bit of news breaking over
at the Guardian
. The bonkers Labour group
could be set to make moves against Gordon. In a sure sign that No10 is somewhat rattled by this, just look at their aggressive reaction to the news:
Criticism of Brown's leadership will anger No 10 as it seeks to build on small progress in the opinion polls and a strong byelection performance in Glasgow North East. It insists that the 4,000-strong Compass has little traction in the parliamentary party.

Senior figures in Compass, however, point to a database of 30,000 supporters. They think they could back the home secretary in return for a pledge from him that a referendum on electoral reform would be held, possibly on the day of the general election, or the foreign secretary in exchange for movement on measures to tackle inequality.
A shift to the left would be the final nail in the coffin, and while might firm up some of the Labour core, it would seal the deal for Cameron as the sensible floating voters come to the blue camp in terrified droves. Why did Labour change in the first place?

If Compass do start operations this could get bloody very quickly.

The popcorn is on TB.



Will compass find anyone electable who is as much of a leftie as Mr Brown.

Anonymous said...

Johnson is very pro PR. He gave a speech at Hull University the other week where he ruled out a vote on it at the general as it would split the party.

Liberal Polemic

"they could back the home secretary"

The challenge would not be their backing, but whether he would front them. Alan Johnson isn't going to stab Gordon in the back. He'll use him as a sandbag and arise as the saviour of Labour after the General Election, without needing Compass's support.

"or the foreign secretary"

Milliband blew it with his two previous periods of prevarication. If any Milliband stands now, it'll be Ed. And he's not going to cozy up to Compass either.

"A shift to the left would be the final nail in the coffin"

I would like nothing more than to hand Compass a hammer.

My real concern is that the Liberal Socialists seem to want to drag the Lib Dems into the same decaying orbit.


If Compass think that Alan Johnson would make a good PM after the #nuttsacking disaster they clearly need their collective head looking at. Oh, and there is

this too
(hat-tip to the Private Eye): as a constituency MP he made a "life or death appeal" to save a man in his constituency from deportation. As Home Secretary he has now decided to deport this same man to the very real
risk of torture
. How about that for betrayal?

See also
Mark Reckons
on this.

P.S. As a Lib Dem I don't want to touch this Labour government with a bargepole, and the "liberal socialists" are not liberals.

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