Thursday, 15 April 2010

First Thoughts

So it was gaffe free, Brown fibbed, Clegg begged and apparently Dave won. That may be the case but he missed a lot of things out. It was a real shame the helicopter debate was so stiffled. Cameron needs to show a lot more anger next time and really give Brown the kicking he deserves.

So key moments? Did you know Nick Clegg was from Sheffield? He mentioned it enough. Brown told a fair few porkies, he claimed he has promised to increase police spending every year, but Labour's pledge is actually that police numbers will be maintained, not that police funding will rise. He also said “Police have to spend 80 per cent of their time now on the streets.” The Advertising Standards Agency have ruled this statement incorrect and illegal.Cleggs sums were dodgy too. He grabbed an extra £5 billion of savings out of thin air, £15 billion when his manifesto only promises 10.

Brown still doesn't get that if you take money out of the state it is not taking the money out of the economy. The state is not the economy - taking money from the state is not taking money OUT of the economy it is putting it IN.

As for the rest of the debate? It was ruined by ITVs awful set, lighting, sound and graphics and Alastair Stewart was a dire shouty host. What is the point of interupting everyone just as the debate was getting interesting. TB did have to chuckle when he told off Clegg like a naughty schoolboy.

All the candidates could do without the constant name checking of locations and towns. It sounded like a drinking game. Brown's bunker lines fell pretty flat. He should lay of the jokes. Clegg will probably be the polled winner. What did he have to lose? He will still never be in power... A solid perfomance from Cameron but more anger next time would "secure" the victory to coin a phrase.



ITV and Channel 4 polls had Brown dead last, now half an hour after the debate ended Brown has magically jumped over Cameron. Coordinated post-hoc poll-jack by Labour activists?

There's no kind of vote they won't try to rig.

Gareth said...

Just reading Guido's Anti Spin Room. Message from Glen o'Glaza says "Just seen the end again: When Brown went into the Audience to shake hands, Cameron pulled Clegg back before they both followed. Bit awkward"

Wonder if the rules has said 'no charging the audience' or something like that. We know from the last 13 years rules mean nothing to Gordon unless he can use them to screw other people.

Anonymous said...

More anger please.

How can Cameron take all that bullshit and not hit back? I appreciate he wants to look statesman-like, but at every opportunity he should be slamming the record of Brown.

Mike Rouse

He has really got to show more fire in his belly. Cam's at his best when he gets pissed off.

And he needs to learn to retort more. Put-down Gordon's lies. Bounce back the "airbrushing" lines.

Mike Rouse

Maybe I'm wrong? Portillo was just saying on The Week that the Ipos Mori tracking wiggly line thingy dropped whenever Cameron was attacking somebody. Perhaps the floaters thinks he comes over as nasty Tory bully when he does that. Still, I personally would like to see more fire. Sod the panels.

Anonymous said...

Sky Call Debate For Dave.

Hardly, old chap. Still, desperate times...

burago4124 said...

"lay of"

lay off please

Anonymous said...

Actually if you read the manifesto the Lib Dems HAVE found £15 billion savings.

Anonymous said...

You really are a joke TB. Criticising the set, the choice of ties, the presenter, but not Cameron, who, let's face it, blew his first chance to land one on Gordo. Luckily for him, there will be two more opportunities.

Sky can call it whichever way they want, but it doesn't change the widely held consensus that Clegg "won" the debate by a distance. Sky are clearly about as objective as Tory Bear.

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