Thursday, 15 April 2010

What Next?

Sky have to make sure that when the debate is actually brewing, when points are being discussed let the conversation flow and let the public actually see the truth.

All the candidates need to rehearse less, it was all too soundbite-y, too stilted, too cautious. Chill out a bit, stop walking the balancing act and go on what you really believe in. It was all rather passionless. The Cameron we need to see was the angry Dave who was riled up when he got off the campaign bus the other day and slammed the three MPs over their legal aid.

Stop the rehearsals, if you don't know your manifesto now then it's too late.



totally agree.
Cameron shouldn't prepare except to check on recent brown lies that he will repeat.
He's good when off the cuff.

Although I expect Cameron played this one down though to reduce expectations.


I couldn't believe how poor Cameron was. He let both Clegg and Brown get away with monstrous lies when they could, and should, have been nailed to the floor.

Clegg, of course, can say anything he darn well pleases as he knows he isn't going to be PM.

Brown could only attack on the NI cut...poor.

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