True Love Waits...
This from CNN:

In a 2006 Eagle Forum questionnaire, Palin indicated that she supported funding abstinence-until-marriage education programs instead of teaching sex-education programs.
"Explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Palin wrote in the conservative group’s questionnaire."
Hmmmm whoopsy daisy... seems the message didn't quite resonate at home.
This won't do her any damage, if anything it will dog-whistle the middle-America Republican base. Palin doesn't just talk the talk about being pro-life she walks the walk too and will do everything to help her daughter. This would have broken at some point and the sooner the better really. Especially as this can be used to help kill the
These developments prove two things about this election:
1. The Democrats are running very scared about Palin.
Obama may be feigning his disgust but the left have woken up. After the battering that Kerry got, going from war-hero to fraud in 2 months has not been forgotten and the left have learnt how to fight dirty.
2. This really is the year of the blogger.
But with power comes responsibility... The left truly are the nasty ones these days the DK lies aren't something to be celebrated but demonstrate how powerful the blogs have become.
the speculation
that her youngest son was actually her daughters has been blown out of all proportion. The photos of the supposed "bump" under Bristol's jumper do not warrant the attention this story got and the lovely Sarah looks pretty damn pregnant here
.These developments prove two things about this election:
1. The Democrats are running very scared about Palin.
Obama may be feigning his disgust but the left have woken up. After the battering that Kerry got, going from war-hero to fraud in 2 months has not been forgotten and the left have learnt how to fight dirty.
2. This really is the year of the blogger.
The fake pregnancy attack on the Daily Kos
went from being an obnoxious smear by some bearded little lefty to hitting the networks and international newspapers in just 24 hours. Just four years ago the MSM treated the blogsphere with slight disdain and now every single network and every single newspaper in both the USA and UK has a full staff of bloggers and strong internet presence. The bloggers break the "news", true or not and the old guard follow. The prominence of the blogs in USA2008 bodes extremely well for the UK whenever our miserable, cynical and negative government finally comes to a grind halt and we get out turn on the stump...But with power comes responsibility... The left truly are the nasty ones these days the DK lies aren't something to be celebrated but demonstrate how powerful the blogs have become.
Good post. I thought from the way it began this was going to be another tiresome "Gawd, what are those primitive Americans like with their belief in God and opposition to teenage sex!".
But the casual reader of your last paragraph would think from your post that DailyKos broke the story of Palin's 17 year old daughter's pregnancy. In fact, what they and other liberal blogs 'broke' was a cooked up and half-baked story about Palin's young son not being hers! Follow the link and see. There are good reasons to be pleased about the increasing prominence of blogs but I'd have thought this isn't among them.
Duly noted and ammended Peter.
While I'd cautiously agree that blogs have gained status over the past four years, you also have to acknowledge that the rapid take up of DailyKos's nasty little story might also be influenced by the fact it ticked all the right boxes on your average MSM journo's checklist.