Billy's back?
Check out
And even more intriguing check out who owns the site:
William Hague Campaign
Registrant's address:
William Hague Campaign
House Of Commons
Last updated: 02-May-2007
Well well well, what's all this about?
Hat-Tip - Total Politics
Yeah, yeah. Anyone, up to and including Labour's own fledging internet misinformation team, could have done this.
Expect to see this "distraction" spread very quickly over the next few hours...
Tory Bear has labelled it as banter, hardly seems as if he is taking it too seriously.
That's just renewing the domain name. Nothing to see there. Honest.
Mike R speaks the truth. Plenty of us keep "redundant" domains going. The only mistake here is that the holding page
That's been up for a while.
Some gossip collums picked up on it during the 2005 leadership contest. He should really get it changed!
all depends when it was registered!
looks ancient to me...
Move along please there's nothing to see here, there's a good chap !
Well, if it was last updated on the 2nd May 1997, it was the day after the 1997 General Election. At that point, John Major was still Leader Of The Opposition.