Labour's Manifesto Sham
So the audience was bused in, the hacks were heckled and Gordon made the fatal mistake of playing to the room rather than the thousands watching on TV. A dreadful attempt at as showing some unity. The award for most sickening sucking up has to go to Alan Johnson, he was only lacking the apple for teacher. Ellie Gellard's cameo was intriguing. That cut glass accent didn't really fit the image now did it.
And so it has emerged, with all the surprise of a Pope in Catholicism shocker, that Labour's three themes for the election are reforming public services, restoring trust in politics and securing the recovery. All very noble ambitions, but asking Labour to oversee these aims is like asking Dr Shipman to look after... you get the picture.
Reforming public services? Quite apart from the fact that Labour have had thirteen years to do this, what exactly does it mean? Does it mean glossing over the public sector pension time-bomb? Or employing even more NHS managers? Perhaps it means handing out yet more town hall fat-cat salaries that eclipse the earnings of the PM and armed forces chiefs. Who knows?
Restoring trust in politics? Two words: Damian McBride. A few more words: cash for honours, taxi for hire, smears and lies, plots and coups, phantom mortgages, porn films and bath plugs. Next.
Securing the recovery? This they want to achieve by increasing their tax on jobs and corpses. Over one hundred of the UK's biggest employers (dismissed by Labour with a sneer as "Tories") have come out and said that such a move would be disastrous. But, with all the stubbornness of a General on the Somme sending yet more troops in the machine gun fire, Labour are pressing ahead. Higher taxes and fewer jobs will not secure the recovery, any more than a leaking bucket will secure its contents.
Labour: Three pledges, three unbelievable examples of hypocrisy, failure and deceit.

“Manifesto pledges are not subject to legitimate expectation” - Gordon Brown in legal defence, 2008
Four more words ...
and a link:
And another ...
Just for fun, you understand. Although some evidence there of trying to track-cover, too late.
Obviously a normal, working girl, or a rich one flitting to France to do the BA in French at Bristol Uni, this year.
Ideal for a Labour Launch.
A. Wellwisher
Good choice of "front man" by NuLab there, then!
Oh TB. You never cease to impress me with your charm and wit! Absolutely spot on! (Nice look on the Beeb BTW! ;-))
OOoh . . wonder who Anon's referring to?!!
Poor Eleanor will not be happy publishing her horrid horrid bourgeois past
That'd be 'Eleanor' BTW ;-)