Blue Guerilla released back into the wild...
Where is the The Blue Guerilla?
It's been five days now since his last posting so TB thought he would investigate. "Ha. Iv been on a 5day bender mate!" was the blunt response... He still found time to comment on here it seems. Though there are few details of what this bender has consisted of, he is clearly away from his desk!
This was the last sighting reportedly from 2 AM Friday night:

Any one with any information to where tBg might be are asked to call 020 7722 3333.
haha london zoo number
why wasn't I invited?!!!!!
he is probably trashing another hotel room in Ealing...
anyone check to see if he's hiding up Obama's arse
TBG's drinking habits are getting out of control now....he was found at his desk covered in vomit