Hold on a second....
Thank you to the ever useful "CFer" who pinged this into TB's inbox as soon as the last post was published:

Seems ABB is slightly more bothered by The Blue Guerilla than she let on in that interview. Yes that comment was appalling and totally beyond the pale and it's for reasons not dissimilar from this case that TB has comment moderation, but is threatening legal action the answer? A simple phone call would have been far more effective than hollow threats.
TB would like to think that this issue could be resolved amicably and the need for threats of legal action disappears from CF.
Could she be any more full of herself?
"We need to show a united front, but we also need to be united in our aim to get the Conservative Party elected."
This is what she said. We need to SHOW.
This was a private email to tBg (who is supposed to be anonymous, so how can she call him) who had already indicated in the comments he had no intention of taking it down, even though several people, including yourself TB, suggested either that was the thing to do, or in his position you would take it down.
If you read that entire answer, you see that she isn't anti-Blog, but she is against personal attacks that aren't within the remit of the Blog Post.
I don't see there is any conflict or contradiction between her comments and the email sent.
Anonymous 08 August 2008 18:07
Have you read the comment ABB is referring to?
If so, it is nothing to do with being full of herself.
It was an absolutely appalling comment written quite obviously by a small minded pathetic individual that needs to seriously think about what they are doing in life.
If that was written about you, your sister, your girlfriend or boyfriend, imagine how any of them would feel.
It was beyond disgusting and anyone who defends that or attacks her for getting upset and wanting it removed are also, in my opinion, pathetic too.
TB has intentionally not linked to the comment in question on tBg becuase it does not need any more exposure.
There is a difference between free speech and slander and hence why TB strongly urges tBg to remove it and impliment some element of post or pre-comment moderation.
The exposure of this email was intentionally done because while ABB will be hard pressed to successfully sue tBg for something he did not write, the gravity of the situation must be expressed.
What was deleted?
The comment was harsh but ABB threatening legal action? Dear me.
We all know what comment, and tbh, it should be put on billboars up and down the country. We need people like her OUT of politics. She's manipulative, uses her fake sexuality to hoodwink a bloc vote all for her personal advancement. It's clever but she's a disgrace for manipulating these tactics to compensate for her vacuous political ideals, if she even has any.
I am very pleased that, my good friend ABB has highlighted the libel about me in that dirty ape's blog, but there really is no need for her to take further action, I can take it. After all, I am thick skinned. Or something.
Shut it Richardson, or I'll elborate on our passionate nights together that we have apparently shared.
Ps: According to TBG, you and I are sleepng together.
And you dare talk about other people's libel. You know as well as I do that there was no sleeping done that night.
You sexy beast.
You have been sleeping with ABB!!!!??!! Matt - I thought we had something special.
How could you do this to me...
imagine how devious, ambitious and back stabbing the offspring of that union would be!
Is fed up of the crap that Anastasia has to put up with. She would be within her rights to take action if she wholesale wanted. Read defamation act 1996