Friends in high places...
Not everyone seems to have descended on Wellington this weekend for the YBF gig, it seems Conservative Future's rebel alliance had talking to do with a certain someone...

It's great to see CF throwing their weight behind George Osborne in the wake of last weeks non-story and completely stage managed declaration of war. Despite dealing with the Dark Lord Mandleson on a daily basis and being Shadow Chancellor, George stopped to chat about the inner workings of Conservative Future with two of it's executive. Chairmanship elections, CF's success and possibly even a whisper of
Osborne apparently still keeps a membership card in his wallet that was given to him by the CFer who founded his fan club. It's fantastic news to know that despite the moaning that CF isn't taken seriously enough by CCHQ, the top of the party, or at least very very close to it, still keeps enough of an eye on us to be able to hold a detailed conversation. This weekend has proved the high figures in the Party and the movement are taking young conservatives seriously, not just at the YBF conference but around the country, and now the ball is in our court. CF has potentially 18 months to the general election and needs to whip itself into shape and build the ground army, Obama style, to teach the doubters in the party one hell of a lesson...
TB is not sure if £50,000 was solicited from Mr Patrick Sullivanovitz...
That, as she proudly declared in her campaign for regional chairman, is the founder of the George Osborne Appreciation Society... an operation so effective that nobody in the room had ever heard of it.
which you already said, d'uh. That'll teach me not to read beyond the first paragraph before posting...
She should be careful, being