Sunday, 3 May 2009

The day Twitter got fitter.

Look who's
joined Twitter
. TB wishes British female politicians looked like Sarah.

Especially given who is dominating the news cycle this weekend.


James Burdett

The packaging is nice, just a shame about the contents.

Working Class Tory

She's NOT THAT GOOD LOOKING! Just accept we don't yet have any good MPs and hope some of your totty make the shift up!

Irfan Ahmed

TB you have bad taste man, Palin isn't good!


TB, you've hit the nail right on the head. I mean hello, you guys? it is Sarah Palin after all! I mean, she's beautiful, and principled! Oh, and the next President of the United States of America!

James Burdett

Sarah Palin is not the next POTUS. The people of the USA are not that stupid. She represents a strand of GOP opinion that is just no longer electorally viable. Sure she looks good but that is it.


Well at least she doesn't need the TOTUS.

Anonymous said...

Yes she is gorgeous to look at. She may well be quite fun to talk to. But no way should she ever run nationally again.

J a British lady

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