Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Our finest hour...

Last night's
revelations in the Telegraph
didn't exactly make for the finest hour in the history of the Conservative Party. Even in the darkest days of sexual sleaze and brown envelopes, the Tories have always been pro-taxpayer rather than pro-taxing, yet some MPs have treated our covenant with the hard working people of this country with utter contempt. But, a dawn will always follow even the darkest night. Better some of this deadwood is cleared out now rather than have them troughing for another five years and causing all sorts of chaos for a Cameron government. Firm action must be taken now and no doubt there is many an A-lister out there today eyeing up one or two very safe, soon to be vacant, seats.

In the words of
: "This country desperately needs the Conservative Party to be in government, to get it back on its feet. Save the ship, Dave, with a skeleton crew if necessary. Urgently. Make this your finest hour to date. Lead."



Seen today's Times poll? Tories and Labour both collapsing to Lib Dems and Others (UKIP/BNP/Greens presumably, ahead of the Euros?).

Tory Poppins

Bravo! Totally agree. Hopefully he'll well and truly stamp on this and get rid of those dried up ineffectual old codgers who really don't do the party any favours! Today will be v. interesting me thinks! ;-)

Owen Meredith

Cameron seems genuinely aggrieved at these latest revelations.

Did you see his comment on BBC news this morning? Something along the lines of ... "I'm shocked and angry and I am going to sort it out..."

Hopefully the man can show he truly is a PM is waiting and sack the worst offenders, and order the lot to repay excessive claims.


I think that he should show up Labour as much as possible. Get rid of these guys that have made silly claims, its not even about making them pay back what they have claimed, obviously they were willing to abuse the system. Dave should remove them as ultimate proof that the Conservative Government will not condone/support/tolerate such behavior. Take a stand Dave, show up Labour and Brown. Replace these guys now with the new guard.


Totally agree with you TB

This was something I blogged about last night on www.trueblueblood.com.

This could be David's finest hour. If he leads and :

- ensures Tory excessive expense claims are repaid
- Those Tories who have been super excessive, resign the party whip and ultimately deselect them
- Publish a set of guidelines for Tories when claiming expenses, (until an inpendent review takes place and publishes official guidelines)

If David shows true leadership on this. He can regain the high ground on this and of course, since Gordon Brown is so weak, he will put pressure on Brown to remove some of the Cabinet Ministers whose excesses have been far worse than the Tories.

Great site TB---keep up the great work.


This will be the greatest test of his leadership, and by God I hope he passes it.

Anonymous said...

It's time for Cameron to kick some ass, if he does then we'll start to climb our way out of this mess.

Anonymous said...

I like to think of the Tory party as being similar to Star Trek, in that it's just too easy to hate the minor characters and the plot lines are getting very old. Full steam ahead Dave, he who falls behind, gets left behind; I suggest he shoot those that fall behind so they don't drag...

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