Lifting the lid on the sand pit...

The Independent
have written a deep feature on the youth wings of the British parties. The close-to-death Young Labour/Labour Students barely get a mention, though this is hardly a surprise given the decline in membership and the total rejection of socialism by the next generation who have grown up with twelve long years of lies. CF get the standard write up, not as right wing or embarrassing as we once were apparently. Which is nice. Liberal Youth are given plenty of room to spin their thang, but their failings are exposed too. Favourite opener from Bagshaw: "Errr nooo"Helped along gently with the odd quote from TB.
Why so much on Liberals?!
Annoying that the Limp Dumbs get most of the attention, and the Independent repeats the false meme that the youth vote did anything for Oblahblah's election but other than that it was a decent skim through.
What I don't think they have realised is that at Universities we, the Tories, have very strong clubs/societies/associations whereas Labour all fill the ranks of the student Unions.
Just have a look at the affiliations of the past NUS presidents
I fear Labour students isn't small because they believe Labour is any good, but because they just get deeply involved with student politics.
I don't think there's a "complete rejection of socialism" amongst the youth. We're just joining actual socialist parties, not Labour. :P
Yeah all 900 of you.
Have fun with that!
Good ol' GreenKeane and his support for fifth place parties. Where would we be without the release of naive idealism and failed socialism?
"it [CF] was one big Tory dating agency"
Very true!
When the Tories become capable of beating the Greens in working class heartlands such as Glasgow, then you can have your laugh. :P *cough*5 Greens to 1 Tory*cough*
Shame global warming isn't actually a problem though. Still, you'd probably have more luck branding it as a religion - What with an initial human sin culminating in Armageddon - it ticks a few boxes.
Pah, you're just a bunch of Ted Heath-hugging wets!
5 Greens AND 1 Conservative. I'd hardly call that an accomplishment. Besides, only socialists ever vote in council elections.
And the Conservatives got more votes too, I should add. So much for proportional representation.