Thursday, 25 June 2009

+++Michael Jackson Dead+++

Apparently off to never Neverland?

Word has reached TB that Michael Jackson did manage to whisper a brief message to paramedics on his way to hospital...

"Put me on the children's ward"


Adam J

I know the guy had rumours about him, but speaking ill of the dead is a bit harsh. He was still one of the best musicians ever.

McLovin said...

As I sit here waiting for Hong Kong to open two thoughts cross my mind about this.

1. Will Prime mentalist Brown mention MJ at PMQs

2. Would MJ be the United States' Diana? Remember the Aussies dubbed Steve Irwin their Diana!

McLovin said...

As I sit here waiting for some god forsaken markets to open two thoughts cross my mind about this whole Jackson news cycle.

1. TB what do you reckon the odds are that Brown mentions the King of Pop at PMQs, I'd say its about evens especially in light of his recent celeb loving form shows.

2. Will the Americans refer to him as their Diana. Sounds odd I know, however the Aussies refer to Steve Irwin (Crocodile Hunter) as their Diana!


That is a bit tight, TB. It's not like he was a Trot or something and deserved to be spoken ill of...

Lucinda said...

I'm on nights at the hospital so we've been telling everyone who came in overnight.

He was dead at the scene, if they have to perform CPR its already over.

He won't be doing that tour now then...

Anonymous said...

Improvement on your joke...

"Micheal Jackson didnt die of a heart attack, hes been seen in the childrens ward having a stroke"

This Observer

Doctors are trying to find the cause of MJ's death. The don't know yet whether to blame it on the sunshine, the moonlight, the good times or, as suspected, the boogie.

Anonymous said...

you're a dickhead TB

Englishman said...

Why would you degrade your blog with a post like that? Take it down TB, youare making yourself look foolish and not very mature. I am no MJ fan but this joke is in poor taste. Why not go ahead and make a few jokes about Fara Fawcett's cancer while you're at it? Take it down and forget you ever put it up.


Perhaps now would be a good time to point out, Englishman, that Farah Fawcett could have saved herown life, but refused to spend the rest of her life wearing a colostomy bag. Her untimely death is almost purely a result of her unwillingness to make use of modern medical techniques that could have saved her life. (That and the Human Pappiloma Virus that she contracted rectally from a little too much back passage loitering...)
Lest we forget that MJ was a very disturbed man, and his own children are very much better off without a father that's that wacko. Not to mention all the other children who are better off too...

Anonymous said...

Gosh, all these people making judgements on MJ. Wow - wish I knew him as personally as all of you seem to.

Anonymous said...

shame on that post TB, whatever the speculation surrounding the man, this post is just pure bad taste. Shame on you.

Remember the moral highground you took about the whole Maddy McCann facebook story? How is this much worse on the bad taste level?


Oh fuck off, completely different.

The hysterical reaction to the death of Michael Jackson - a paedophile needs to be called out for what it is. a total sham that needs the piss taken out of it.

It's some what different from dressing up as.. oh let's not even get into that. You don't have a leg to stand on.

Anonymous said...

He was declared as innocent for the convictions of child abuse. His biggest mistake was not realising how much of an easy traget he let himself become for money grabbing parents using their kids for allegations to grab a piece of his millions.


Yeah and OJ was innocent too right?

StevenEdmondson said...

My first instinct was that this was in poor taste but then I realised that I didn't actually care and suddenly all was well.

Oh and not to join the parade of apologists but he was probably not a pedophile. Not right in the head but I don't remember seeing anything remotely convincing.

Going straight to hell...? said...

Oh my God some people need to take a chill pill. It's ONLY a JOKE.
And a goddamn funny one at that.

And yeah, he might have been cleared, but surely it's not okay to sleep in a bed with a little boy you're not related to. Seriously fucked up.
The guy was weird beyond belief. Sad for his family and friends but sometimes a distasteful joke is necessary right?

Anonymous said...

Im sickened with the gushing praise. Jackson was vastly overrated

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