Tuesday, 22 September 2009

A corker from Kevin Maguire

Why the hell should Baroness Scotland's ethnicity have any effect on her being held accountable for her actions?


Grumpy Old Man said...

Would "Toilets" write that it is depressing that a farmer is facing ruin over the unwitting employment of illegal immigrants because there are so few farmers left in the UK? What is truly depressing is both the playing of the Race card by Toilets allied with not even a passing reference to the small matter of £170,000 parliamentary expenses improperly claimed. I believe the term "Hoon" can be used at this point.

Stephen W said...

In fairness to ole' maguire. It would be a shame if one of the few black women in high politics should have to quit.

Unfortunately Baroness Scott should quit, and the responsibility for this lies entirely with herself. It is she who is responsible for this shame in both sense of the words.


Ole Maguire's grammar could do with a brush up....

Old Holborn

Nicked and credited

Snope said...

Aren't they just disgusting

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