Sunday, 13 September 2009

"Hell hath no fury like a taxpayer ignored"

"two million"
people march on Washington, you would expect there to be some decent coverage around the world about it. While that estimation might be a little high, this was a real protest, borne out of anger and frustration not some nonsense lefty coalition of union idiots provided with placards masquerading as individuals:

"The demonstrators numbered well into the tens of thousands, though the police declined to provide an estimate of the size of the crowd. Many of the participants came on their own and weren't part of an organization or group. The magnitude of the rally took the authorities by surprise, with throngs of people streaming from the White House to Capitol Hill for more than three hours."

Predictably there is practically nothing from the British press about this, who despite being humiliated and mocked by Obama, remain mute as his administration's authority collapses before their eyes.

As you can see from this video the President's opponents and
some of the speakers
at the Washington protest have articulated and honed their message in the last few months. The chaos that the Republicans are in has given rise and prominence to the grassroots of the conservative movement instead. Their lines are most definitely applicable over here as well:

"You will not spend the money of our children and our grandchildren to feed an overstuffed government," Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) said of the Obama administration, drawing raucous applause. "Our history is decorated by those who endured the burden of defending freedom," Price said. "Now a new generation of patriots has emerged. You are those patriots."

The TUC are threatening
that there will be riots in the streets if government spending is cut here. TB isn't so sure.

At this rate it will be the other way round.



Thanks, TB, for helping to spread the word. No it was probably not two million attendees. Those sorts of numbers would have shut the city down--traffic, transit, hotels, etc.

But it was some significant multiple (30x?) of the crowd in Minneapolis to attend Obama'a pep rally for health care, held in the most 'leftish' city in a state with a long history of leftist politics.

These people drove and flew themselves from across the country, at their own expense. As you know, the US is a big place, and a drive to DC from, say, Kansas, is a real investment of time and cash.

The Minneapolis crowd, by contrast, I would suspect would be mainly local, and a number bussed in by Obama's people, if history is any teacher.

The revulsion with the behaviour of the Obama administration is widespread and increasingly vocal.

Many people cheer for 'Congressman Joe' for his outburst at Obama's speech. His only mistake was to apologize to anyone, especially Obama.

Thanks for informing your readership.

Anonymous said...

that photo looks dodgy don't ruin good story with Blair tactics

the cruiser

Not sure about this at all. You look at Andrew Sullivan, a lot of these people are highly suspect. As for the economics, there's a lot of panic about. Cooler heads will prevail....

Benjamin Gray

The number was considerably smaller - around 20,000. The 2m figure was an uncorroborated, and subsequently retracted, statistic from Michelle Malkin.

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