Friday, 18 September 2009

Hermione H-C reports from the ECR meeting in Prague:

My life seems to be an endless round of countdowns at the moment: 17 days to Tory Conference where I can finally discuss the new hunting season with Fi (I know Boxing Day is three and half months away, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared), and 14 days until the second Irish Referendum. When will the third Irish Referendum be? Sometime between the second and fourth. Ha ha. My horribly pro-EU friend Ed is pitifully gleeful - verily bouncing around on his seat with anticipation of Poland and the Czechs rolling over 'when' the Irish vote yes. I suspect the joke will be on him - I'm assured that Vaclav Klaus is made of sterner stuff than that. And of course he has the indomitable Brits backing him up. They say that to be born British is to win the lottery of life - there's some way yet to go before we come under the yoke of Europe, say I!

Speaking of lotteries, Dan's opened up an office sweepstake on that Irish Vote; percentages yes : no, that sort of thing. Actually, he's done two and I'm very cross with him for the second, as it's a sweepstake on how many days after the vote the Lisbon Treaty will be signed. Treason, surely? How can he be so horribly cynical? To add insult to injury, I pulled 'two days' out of the hat. Never have I been more conflicted!

In our office we've had Obama on repeat all week uttering the immortal line "that guy is such a jackass!". Never mind the heir to Blair, I'm all for Cameron being Barack for the Brits. We had our very own 'hissy fit' moment in Strasbourg this week with Daniel Cohn-Bendit sounding off in the Hemicycle during the votes for President of the Commission. Now, my French isn't great (although the dreamy Phillipe, my tutor says my accent really is coming along quite nicely - not to mention my Gauloises smoking technique - he says I could be mistaken for a Parisienne!), but I translated his interjection roughly as "President? Imma stop you there. You're alright and all, but that dude Obama is a much better President".

TB is rather looking forward to catchcing up with HHC in person in Manchester...


redcliffe62 said...

read some of megrahi's 300 pages.
i fin dit fascinating, and the comments in the DT seem silly when you are advised by them it may just be a publicity stunt.

makes me think that you would not go through all of this unless you were at least half sure that you are innocent of some or all of the charges?

bit dry in places, very legalese, but he seems sure of his facts as to why the appeal is necessary.
further though, reading between the lines the actions of thatcher and major are even more of a concern than brown if megrahi is to be believed.

perhaps cameron should duck his head in about a full enquiry... it might come back to bite the 1980's tory establishment more than some later labour collateral damage to brown and bliar, as the actions pre bliar seem to be those that are most questionable.

Holyrood Patter

am i the only loyal tb reader rady to stick my head above the parept and say this column is shite?

Hurf Durf

Danny Cohn-Bendit is an archaic hippie pillock. Whatever he says is irrelevant and moronic.

Sally Roberts

I'd love to meet Hermione as well! Am racking my brains to think who she could be....

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