Sunday, 13 September 2009

Quote of the Day:

So many gems from

Fraser Nelson's column
in the News of the World this week, but these ones really stuck out:

"It seems crazy apologising for the way gay computer pioneer Alan Turing was treated in 1954 — when Gordo was three years old. Our PM was 49 when he sold the nation’s gold reserves for $275 an ounce. It passed $1,000 last week. Where’s our apology for that?"

"Voting Tory, he will say, will “risk the recovery”. Britain is crawling out of recession, but it might not do if the Tories make lots of cuts. Brown will say that his “stimulus” (ie borrowing binge) will save us. And that if the Tories get in, then the rollercoaster lurches down again. Economists have a word for this theory — junk. Completely made up. There is not a shred of economic analysis behind it."

"It’s an act of vandalism — on the prospects for future generations. All because a PM could not bring himself to cut spending now. This is the real insanity. Throwing mobile phones around the room is the least of it."

Read the whole thing
. Talking of Turing, Brown has answered the fourth most popular petition on the No10 web...

Time to address the first?


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