The Secret Formula
Newspapers hacks are always desperate to show they "get blogging" and all dat web 2.0 jazz. Some do, others really don't.
Paul Waugh
of the Evening Standard knows exactly what he is doing:

Newspapers hacks are always desperate to show they "get blogging" and all dat web 2.0 jazz. Some do, others really don't.
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He just doesn't get it, does he?
She looked great on the Big Breakfast ten years ago, but now, her tits are just saggy.
That won't get the viewers in. Move with the times, Waugh.
Don't be silly Anonymous, as a red-blooded young man I can assure you I would still give Kelly Brook a damned good seeing to. Mind you, she'll have to get in the cue, priority goes to that Dawn Porter/Eve Myles threesome.