Bob Ainsworth is a Disgrace - Episode 45
If the Tories move to place the police under local control there will be resignations,
says top copper
Sir Hugh"We must be operationally independent in terms of how we deliver policing. We should not be influenced by anyone who has any potential or suggestion for a political basis."

The visit has caused a furore for a number of reasons:
- Bob Ainsworth says he's totally focused on Afghanistan and yet can find time to trawl bars in search of insurgent binge drinkers... They must get a lot of those in Afghanistan for it to be worth of the Defence Secretary's attention,
- The visit is not in Bob's constituency - the neighbouring Coventry South constituency is thirsty Jim Cunningham's. Perhaps the police were worried Jim might become part of the problem after a few.
- The visit features exclusively Labour politicians who do not represent the area in a city that is Conservative-controlled and in a ward that is all-Conservative. It's been seen as a politically provocative move from the police.
Thanks to Coventry's biggest political blogger
Mike Rouse
for this one.
Since the laws are made by parliament, you'd have thought that the police was already controlled by the govt.
Am I missing something??
Even if they take the line that they are inviting a member of the government to look at government help/approach it should be the person responsible for communities and/or the home office, not the defence secretary who should be focusing on our troops in Afghanistan as he claims he is doing, but blantantly not.
The last thing the Police should stand for is being headed up by political stooges, we need independent minds like Sir Ton... Ian Blair!
Nice one Hughes ,Ton...I mean Ian Blair was on QT recently and sounded more New Labour than New Labour.
Take away their pensions and see how quick they are to threaten resignation.