The EU Gets Seriously Duped
"The European Commission has signed a $1bn (£602m) development pact with Nigeria"
reports the BBC
. Oh come on, they can't really have fallen for that? Everyone gets spam emails from "Nigerians" begging for money, but only the European Union could be collectively dumb enough to fall for that trick. Jess the Dog
exclusively reveals the email that sealed the deal:Dear Your Excellency Development Commissioner of the European Union,They will be using European taxpayers' money to buy counterfeit viagra and prescription pills next.
I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart. With due respect trust and humanity, I appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter.
My father was former Nigerian Peace and Human Rights Minister. He has been exile in prison house arrest in Abuja under many guards and tortures. He is not live long even if they release. But he has Swiss bank account with one trillion million dollars that is pledged for peace, security and human rights.
My friend, I know you love peace even though I not know you. I know you believe in human rights and want to see the dream of my father come into the world. But the bank in Swiss will not release one trillion million dollars without special deposit. If you will send me the sum of one billion dollars as special deposit then bank will release one trillion million dollars for peace, security and human rights.
I trust you, my friend, to respond urgent.

While this is a joke, it would not surprise me if this did happen - now that's worrying!!