Many a disgruntled bagcarrier has got in touch with TB today to vent their spleen at the prospect of Bellamy's Bar being replaced by the Speaker's nursery. Bet Bercow wouldn't have got rid of a bar when he was still trying to hit on drunk chicks. Researchers take their gin seriously and won't be deprived of a subsidised watering hole without a fight. As the official campaign states:
"The Speaker is planning to replace the newly refurbished Bellamy's Bar with a nursery. Join this group to suggest the Speaker looks elsewhere - his own expansive House has much nicer views and access to a lawn for the kids to play on, for example.
Voice your concern at the pint sized one taking away pints here
shit bar anyway
"shit bar anyway" NONSENSE
With that sentiment you probably A) don't work in parliament or B) work for a Lib Dem marginal or godforsaken Labour MP... so won't be here after the next election/bar change anyway. Shame to loose people like you, really is.
Great news! Why are we paying for a subsidised bar for public sector employees?
OH NOES! That means they will have to choose from one of the other many subsidised bars scattered around the Parliamentary Estate!
They should get over themselves to be honest. Getting worked up about the loss of these ridiculous privilieges just makes them look like twats.
Why should they have a subsidised bar to absorb the tax increases they inflict on the rest of us? Take it away from them and let them pay through the nose for a pint like the rest of us mere plebs.
Tory Bear, I am very disappointed in you !! As a Conservative, I would have thought you would be campaigning to MERGE the bar with a creche so children over 5 could be served gently alcoholic tipples and a bit of brandy on their dummies.
It would kill two birds with one stone, and be one in the eye for the New Labour killjoys who want to ban alcohol in the home. Go to it man !!
Obviously the prats above need some enlightening.
Its not a subsidised bar, its a 'not for profit' bar because unlike the St. Stephen's Tavern downstairs there are minimal overheads and its a service not a business.
The vast majority of staffers who use that bar are barely on the minimum wage and deserve not to pay £3.40 a pint after a 12 hour day.
A pint of larger is £2.40 not the 80p you idiots seem to think it is. With all this in mind its hardly a "ridiculous privilege" now is it.
While were at it lets lets rack up the prices of the army bars and NHS canteens shall we?