New CF Consitution Sprung on Members
- NME stripped to 4
Just in time for the election a new CF constitution. TB hasn't read it as he has better things to do, but he imagines someone out there will want to:
Let him know if there is anything interesting in it.

What a yawn.
Their parents must be proud.
I blame Hallam.
Less Democracy and more beurcracy . It's a surprise that after 42 years as CF Chair more was not done.
More power to members, regions and greater democracy. Great job!
That can't be the real Ben Howlett! He wanted every role elected.
From skimming this looks like an overall better constitution than previously existed, but for the most part merely formalises the existing state of CF, for example regional executives and appointed area chairmen.
I suppose that this is sprung from the party board means there isn't any room for major stealth reforms, a kind of outgoing "fuck you". However we need vastly more radical change in terms of distribution of powers and National and Regional structure if CF's massive organisational defects are to be fixed.
Reducing the NME size is inconsequential relative to the previous broken and unrepresentative set up.
I personally would liked to have seen a full scale regionalisation/localisation plan implemented that would have seen the Chairman and Deputy Chairman elected by national ballot and the Exec comprised of the elected regional chairman. An opportunity for genuine localism missed perhaps...although this way will make administration easier and keep costs down in comparison to what I would like to see.
The designation of positions for 3 of the 4 Exec members is one of the more interesting things in there for me. This should allow for longer term planning to take place and ensure continuity of strategy over a number of Execs. I suspect there might be some who suggest its all gone a bith Liberal Youth/NUS, but I think this is a real positive move.
As things stand, it will now be interesting to see who goes for the 3 other positions that will presumably be contested alongside the Chairman ballot...(for the Chairman is 1 of the 4 Exec). I would love to see an exec comprised of Jones, Swann, Peterkin and Smallwood..........
Glancing through this while watching TV, I noticed the following:
* The term "National Management Executive" (and thus the awful acronym "NME") has been replaced by a clearer "National Executive".
* The fourth executive member is "an Appointed Officer" is one of the most ill-defined posts I've ever seen and the title is contrary to their being an elected member.
* In the absence of the "Chairman" (sic) the Executive is chaired by "the Deputy Chairman" but nothing says whether the DC Membership or the DC Political is the senior deputy.
* The Chairman still holds the power to appoint members of the National Convention. This could cause problems down the line...
* The election schedule says absolutely nothing about which voting system is to be used!
John thank you ;). I think the exec should comprise of myself, Peterkin and Mark Clarke for four more years.
Not into unelected ACs.
Overall changes are welcome, but what should have happened in the last 2 and a half years is the full rewrite promised when the current NME was elected in 2008.
Shame really.