Glenrothes hits the cyber nats hard...
Just spotted this on the
Scottish Unionist
blog. It's been lifted from a newspaper comments section and is a fair reflection of the lunacy you find in cyber-nationalist forums, which make for comical reading..

This evocation of the ultimate libertarian freedom campaign is insulting and pathetic. To suggest that violent insurrection is an option to the nationalist cause proves just how desperate this small, sad bunch of nutters really are. Check out some of these forums if you fancy a laugh.
TB will see you on the barricades my crazy Caledonian chums...

...flying a very different flag.
I notice that the said poster has inserted the letter h into 'boy', meaning that he is a follower of the most despicable, evil football club on the earth.
Is Tory Bear aware that they could not stomach a minute's silence today and opted to applaud the deaths of millions of people instead?
A cancer on Scotland indeed.
Fuck off was the American Revolution "the ultimate libertarian freedom campaign". It was a treasonaous and violent assault on legitimate authhority led by a small cabal who didn't like the Navy's view on their import tax liabilities.