Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The deluded nats...

There is a must read piece from Alex Massie over at

The Spectator

"Scottish public spending has essentially doubled since Labour came to power. (To what end, you ask? To very little end, I reply.) Now the British government has run out of money and it is obvious that there are going to have to be spending cuts if the public finances are ever going to be restored to some semblance of stability. This is obvious, I should say, to everyone but the SNP for whom any suggestion that it might be possible to cut even a tiny sliver of cash from the Scottish Government's £34bn kitty is the vilest sort of anti-Scottish treachery.
Then again, the Nationalists aren't responsible for raising revenue, so it's no great surprise they howl whenever any budget is threatened. And therein lies the great problem with the devolution "settlement"; power absent the requirement to raise revenue is all but bound to become power that is bloated, feckless and irresponsible. That this should come to pass should surprise no-one."

A deluded little hissy fit from a deluded little pressure group.


Anonymous said...

'a deluded little pressure group'...try the party in Government in Scotland.

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