Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Now that's a good Party Political Broadcast...

Dear Gordon Brown,

Yesterday you subjected the nation to another cringe worthy performance in front of the camera. Although you managed to contain your desire to dance, you grinned and ran around your garden. It was all just a bit odd and embarrassing. Here is a performance by a young man that you don't think very much of, but from whom you could learn a lot. He is calm and composed when dealing with people and above all else he is honest. He looks people in the eye and tells them how it really is. Why don't you have a little watch and take some notes:

Please stop going on YouTube, and please stop lying to the nation, and please stop hiding in your bunker. There is no doubt that you went into politics with the best of intentions and it's not too late to save a scrap of dignity. Just go to the country, take the fight to the street. If you genuinely believe that you were doing the best you can to save this great nation, then you would not be frightened. Every chance you get you run away from people being able to vote for you, whether it be your party members, a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty or above all, a General Election.

Today you spat such venom at your opponent across the Dispatch Box. If you really believe that he and the Conservative Party are the frauds and salesman you claim they are, then why not take the fight to the doorstep and call that election.

Lots of Love

Tory Bear


Anonymous said...

...and a little snippet on the future of Labour- Charles Clarke?

Anonymous said...

Oh I do love Dave. Dave Dave Dave. Win win win.

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