Sunday, 31 May 2009

Yo yo, one time...

Now TB would normally suggest that amateur rap and politics is never going to be a good combination, but once you get over initial wtf!?!? and mild cringe, there is something remarkably catchy about this little video from a couple of young conservatives across the pond:

Our very own

Young Conservative
suggests that TB has a go at creating a British version. Tory Bear isn't sure his street credentials are quite high enough to be able to pull this off, however, any CF hacks out there agree that Owen Meredith and Christian May bare a remarkable similarity to these two? TB's card would be behind the bar if they can be persuaded...

TB canvass bags up for grabs for your own video submissions.


Anonymous said...

Nope, couldn't listen. Too cringeworthy. A 'I wish the ground would open up and swallow me' moment.

Now if you really want to appeal to a younger audience, take a tip from Silvio:

Marks out of ten? I'd give them one.

Anonymous said...

Their one achievement (aside from giving Sascha Baron Cohen a run for his money in terms of cringe worthiness) is managing to fuse Jesus, Reagan and Ayn Rand.

Jesus, no fan of the rich, Reagan, no fan of the poor and Rand, no fan of God, Jesus, Reagan or, well, anyone really.

They're like a little nugget of all that is wrong with the republican party today; incoherent, unwieldy and directionless.

Anonymous said...

'Superman that socialism'??? Obviously these good Christian boys are not terribly familiar with the type of music they are trying to adapt...

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