Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The Mask Slips

TB somehow strolled over to look at the entries into

Labour's poster competition
. A glimpse into the most unpleasant sections of the Labour movement. Apparently because a Paint graphic will be displayed on an electronic poster board (a campaigning method that Labour have attacked in the last three months,) for about ten minutes this weekend, they are leading an online revolution. The results have produced nothing more than base class warfare at its very worst. Bring it on, you really do look that desperate. This particularly dreadful example caught TB's eye though:
Nice spelling of "hospitals" there. That's what you get from 12 dreadful years of Labour run education.

Bradshaw Running Scared?

Is it just TB or does anyone else think Ben Bradshaw's choice of clothing on his Sky News interview a moment ago was a little odd for someone addressing the nation from Central London on a Wednesday afternoon?

Looks like he is bunking off  from his ministerial duties early this week to hit the stump and defend his increasingly shaky Exeter majority. Off for a meeting with cider producers perhaps? Bet he would be popular there.

The Saint Still Marred in Scandal

Some of the more hysterical Lib Dems would have you believe Sarah Teather has been cleared over her dodgy rental agreement with Brent Liberal Democrats:

As Guido

points out
though, just because the complaint was dropped does not mean Teather has been exonerated.

UPDATE: As TB just wrote on
(no doubt they will delete his criticism as they always seem to do):
Lyon dismissed the complaint on the:
“basis of the evidence which I received”
well Labour couldn’t run a bath let alone put a decent complaint in.
just because they cocked up the complaints doesn’t mean there isn’t a case.
and don’t forget the age old sniff test, if the rent agreement was within the law then the law is an ass."

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Can Twitter Predict the Election Result?

There must be something in the lefty water this week that is bringing out some comedy gold:
"Alberto Nardelli, co-founder of Tweetminster,
: 'The Chancellors' Debate officially kick-started the election campaign in great style. The TV debates, alongside many other "new variables", such as Twitter, are likely to have a strong influence on the outcome of the election. We will only know the importance of such an influence on May 7 though.'"
Sit on the fence there why don't you oh "Twitter expert". 

TB is getting increasingly irritated with the lefties over at Tweetminster. He has made this clear before, but today they took the biscuit with their latest sidesplitting
at justification for the £100k they talked some PR guy out of. Apparently, and wait for it... TWITTER CAN PREDICT THE ELECTION RESULT!

Let the dull thud of TB's head hitting the desk reverberate across the land. 
"Our inspiration for this experiment comes from last year’s General Election in Japan, when a group of software engineers and PhD graduates from Tokyo University undertook a study analysing the correlation between ‘online buzz’ and election results. The aim of the study was to assess if word-of-mouth mentions of candidates could help to predict which ones would be successful. The study found that in a majority of constituencies the most mentioned candidate won the seat."
Umm was the fact you aren't allowed to
campaign online for the two week
before a Japanese election taken into consideration before a glorious success was called?

How about the methodology, is it local mentions?

What about the fact that Twitter in the UK is full of fellow lefties and they spend most of their time attacking opponents. Lots of mentions, but many won't win.

What happens about nationally unpopular figures with large majorities - lots of mentions but no chance of being beaten?

TB thinks John Rentoul, who must have been orgasmic with Blair's return to the scene today,
hit the nail on the head
by including "can Twitter predict the election?" on his list of questions to which the answer is a resolute no.

If they pull this off they will be very very rich. Something tells TB they are going to look a little silly though.

Seriously, stick to the N64 lads.

Just Jealous Because TB Didn't Get "Tory Bear"

Amazing what you overhear in the Guy News room.

Emily Nomates
, having applied for a press badge for the Tory campaign media events, received a phone call regarding some name confusion:

CCHQ: You seem to have two different names on your media pass form?
EN: No one is my name and the Emily Nomates is a different name.
CCHQ: They are two people?
EN: Err no they are the same person...

Pause while TB strained to hear what was being said..

EN: Yes Ms.Nomates will be fine.

Brilliant security.

The Delusion of James Macintyre Part 45

James Macintyre

: "With a few exceptions, the dark briefings by ministers against other ministers within Labour went away with the departure from Number Ten of Tony Blair"

Is he mental or just spinning out of control? Brown's entire government has been one big internal briefing mudbath. Has James been hanging out with Draper again?

UPDATE: The fact that former defence minister Eric Joyce is the f
irst person to comment
on Macintyre's piece and pours scorn says it all.

He's Not the Messiah

They just can't let him go can they? The media really do purr and role over to have their stomachs tickled whenever St. Tony cares to grace these humble shores with his presence. During Chilcott it was bad news for Labour, but today they have dominated both Sky and BBC for the last four hours, and given the rate hacks are blogging about it, tomorrow's papers look set to be a tonefest.

It's incredible that the man they cast out because "he would not win another election" has come back to attempt to shore up the worst of the damage for his old foe. TB is impressed TB didn't tell Gordon where to go, though with Mandy and Campbell back at centre of operations it must have been just like old times. Liked the tacit endorsement of Miliband too - the project must go on.
A good day for Labour. Thanks to media's really rather pathetic Stockholm Syndrome, Blair has drowned out almost all discussion of debate last night and stopped the Tories from getting coverage while they pursued a pretty big cock-up by Darling, live on TV, and a humilating climb down for Burnham and Labour over their disgusting death tax plans. A very useful resource for Labour to deploy when they need a media blackout.

Shame the rest of the country still thinks Blair's a...

UPDATE: Just spotted this
from secret crush Margot James: 
"Suspect Blair will be as much use to Brown as Bill was to Hillary on the campaign trail" Spot on. While the media had a field day with Bill, the question must be posed... how'd that nomination come along Hillary?

Quote of the Day

As a very orange Blair spends one of his ninety days in the country giving a speech for Labour, TB was reminded of Mr Miliband's astute


"People will be saying 'wouldn't it be great to have that Blair back because we can't stand that Gordon Brown'"

Monday, 29 March 2010

As the Dust Settles

So as Hague, Huhne and Wee Dougie work the spin room, TB's initial thoughts are firstly Cable was further to the left of Darling, and secondly he really needs to get over his five minutes in the limelight. Sadly with the way things are the Lib Dems are getting far too much oxygen than they deserve.

Darling was the only one that told genuine porkies about Tory policy and despite the furious spinning from Labour all day that his neck was on the line, Osborne held his own competently and calmly. For better or worse he was the only one who stuck to the question where the others were able to dodge and duck and fight back through refusing to answer.

Cable had the audience on side and TB suspects large swathes of the undecided public. Good news is this socialist snake charmer will never get near No11. It was soundbite central from the yellow team.

There were no killer blows though, no shrapnel wounds really either and for all the hype, the leadership debates better be a bit more than exciting. Nothing that happened tonight will be remembered by election day, but Labour will have to pack the Osborne's rubbish spin in. The real winner was the genial host.

Tweets from the Debate

Chancellor's Debate Warm-up

A little something to get you going before the big showdown.

TV's TB - 7pm Sky News

TB will be doing some Chancellor's Debate warm up on Sky News tonight with Jag Singh from
. Tune in from 7pm.

Labour Posters

The broke Labour Party can't afford posters, they can't afford an ad agency and it seems they can't even afford in house designers. They have had to resort to some lame spin about opening sourcing their new poster which will be displayed for about forty five minutes this weekend. Obviously it's not just been Labour folk offering their views. Some classics around.

Billy Blofield

Busy Bear

TB has been out filming all this morning. Osborne's big day started well with the smoothies and cookies press conference. The new CCHQ press room was lookig good. TB then bounded back down Millbank to make it to Stuart Wheeler's

Trust Party
launch and he is now trawling through the new IPSA rulings.

He will be live blogging from the spin room Chancellor's Debate tonight so come back later.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

More like it...

If you didn't laugh you would cry. More of this please.

You're Not Fooling Anyone Mr Brown

As the sun sets on the Brown's government, Labour have resorted back to the old 1997 pledge card tactic. The image even has a setting sun on it. The problem is it seems the Labour have nowt to offer this time. The vacuous pledges consist of pickled sound bites and government speak.

The thing TB found most amusing though was the rather familiar logo on the card. Even though Washington has stopped returning No10's calls and Obama runs a mile every opportunity he has to meet Brown, the desperate fan is still trying to copy even Obama's campaign logo. It's pathetic.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Whory Bear

Don't you dare say TB actually looks like Byers.

Friday, 26 March 2010

TPA skewer Unison

The Taxpayers' Alliance
 Research Director Matthew Sinclair stitched up union thug Dave Prentis from Unison on today's Daily Politics good and proper:
Hasn't been a moment like that on the show since the Draper days.

Quote of the Day

"Policy wonks, SpAds and people called Crispin need not apply."

-W4MP Advert

You Couldn't Make It Up
