Thursday, 11 February 2010

Quote of the Day

"I love it when high earning celebs like Bill Nighy and Richard Curtis start campaigning for banker taxes. Oh, and Fearne Cotton is in favour of it too... based, presumably, on her economics degree?"

-Overheard discussion on the Tobin Robin Hood Tax

RIP Charlie Wilson

The fun loving Democrat Congressman from Texas who took on the Ruskies
has died
. They don't make Democrats like they used to.

Sad day.

Snapper in Hot Water

It's sometimes hard to forget that the SNP are a nothing but a jumped up pressure group, labouring under the illusion of a "government". It all comes crashing down when their political naivety is so obviously exposed. The Telegraph
Alex Salmond’s number two wrote a letter of support for Abdul Rauf prior to him being sentenced for defrauding £80,000 from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).

She referred to Rauf’s crimes, which include a previous conviction for stealing £60,000, as “mistakes” and appealed to the court to “consider alternatives to a custodial sentence”.

Donald Findlay QC, defending, said it was the first time in his lengthy legal career he had handed over to the court a letter from someone of such importance.

Sheriff Alan MacKenzie said he was still minded to send Rauf, 59, to prison but promised to take into account Miss Sturgeon’s protests before he reached a decision.

Miss Sturgeon, the Glasgow Govan MSP, admitted she knew about the fraudster’s criminal record, but claimed she was duty bound to represent her constituent.

But opposition MSPs said they were aghast at her lack of judgement and challenged her to make a parliamentary statement explaining why she was lobbying on behalf of known criminals.
The word "resign" comes to mind.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Hotel Rhondda

The cause of the Secretary of State for Wales' perm-a-tan may have been found. Peter Hain seems to have a bit of a thing about Rwanda. In light of the tough economic circumstances in the valleys Shadow Minister for Wales David Jones quite reasonably asked "What did the Secretary of State have in mind when he boasted last week that “Wales is still a wealthy country”? Complacent or what?" Hain's reply was the stuff of political legend:

"Does the hon. Gentleman not agree that, compared with Rwanda and most countries in the rest of the world—this is the point that I was making, if he had not chosen to take that quotation out of context—Wales is indeed still a wealthy country?"
Umm ok. David Jones rightly got the last word:
"It says it all that after 13 years of economic mismanagement under Labour, all Peter Hain can crow about is the fact that Wales is more prosperous than one of the poorest countries of the third world. Mr Hain’s unguarded comment underlines the full extent of Labour’s lack of ambition for Wales.”
Who is talking down the country now Labour? 

Caption Contest - Cash Back Edition

"A 10 minute break took place during which Mr Hancock and others were in frantic negotiations with the leadership. One person said that Mr Cameron himself was on the phone - "He’s livid", they

But what did Dave and Eric say? 

Answers below, winner gets a copy of Tim Bale's exquisitely researched
The Conservative Party: From Thatcher to Cameron

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


She's no Jonah Brown but you can hardly take anything Kerry McCarthy says seriously. Naively she swallowed a line and didn't bother trying to fight for her constituents.

Jan 19th

"Cadbury's new owner, Kraft, says it plans to close the company's Somerdale factory in Keynsham, near Bristol."

What's that word she always uses? Ah yes. Fail.

Why Do Labour Want to Change the Voting System?

Well lets ask TB's favourite thumb Eric shall we?

Think that clears everything up.

+++ Exclusive: Joanne Cash Not Resigning +++

Double sourced. Statement imminent.


UPDATE 18.09: Peace has apparently been brokered.

18.12: Westminster North Conservative Association has not accepted Joanne Cash's resignation. CCHQ is working to resolve issues.

18.17: Well that certainly is an interestingly worded line, that should have come out this morning. You could defintely add a "yet" to that sentence. Seems everything has calmed down since last night. A boil has been lanced and in the cold light of day TB suspects the decision to jump looked like a bit of a silly over reaction. Though there will be invitable personalities to sort and kinks to bash out, TB suspects Joanne Cash will be returned from Westminster North down the road to the Palace on May 7th.

This little sticky wicket could be a bit of a headache for her on the road to that day though.

UPDATE: 20.41: CCHQ: "She is still our candidate. There was a personality clash at the local level. It has now been resolved."

Two and half hours late CCHQ confirm what you read here first.

Joanne Cash? Hello?

Talking of silence, the Joanne Cash situation is becoming increasingly ridiculous. Nobody will comment on whether she is still the candidate or not. Frankly to serve as a Member of Parliament is an honour that rises above petty inner association squabbles and for Cash to throw the chance away in a row, as she allegedly did, says a lot about her suitability for the role.

This has to be sorted, publicly now. If she is the candidate, fine, she can pick up the pieces on the doorstep and try salvage anything close to a shred of credibility, but if she really has quit then she should put her money where her mouth is and come out and tell us that. It is a tight situation and every day matters if a new candidate needs to be selected.

With three months until a General Election this is pathetic and frankly with all the dithering and deliberate game playing going on today it should be pretty clear how to resolve this.

The Sound of Silence

It's weird, there is a stunning silence from normally very loud and hysterical places. Why hasn't Liberal Conspiracy's editor, Pickled Politics, Comment is Free, you get the picture, commented properly on the banging up of bent copper Ali Dizaei? Not a squeak, despite writing about him extensively in the past. Could it be that it doesn't quite fit their desired narrative that he was part of a racially motivated smear campaign and was secretly a good egg?

TB was particuarly amused to yet again see Sadiq Khan MP being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the yet another wrong-un. Khan has previous on this sort of thing, and TB couldn't help notice that he was slipping out of the court room with Dizaei when he was cleared of corruption in a wiffy case back in 2003 when the footage was run on News at Ten
last night

Just sayin'.

UPDATE 16.01: TB hears that Ali Dizaei was sent down to Wandsworth Prison. In Sadiq Khan's Tooting constituency. Smirk.

Save the Red Lion

If Tory Bear is drinking post work there is an 85% to 86% chance it will be in The Red Lion next to Parliament. The scene of much debuchary, plotting, pranks, tears, joy and Strongbow, it was great sadness that TB learnt, via the resurreted
, that the pub is to be gutted. "Kash", the editor drinks reguarly with the manager so has the inside knowledge:
"The proposals, which include scaffolding, replacement carpets, a new sign and wall stripping, could mean temporary closure whilst the work takes place. The new-look Red Lion is said to include a HOT FOOD COUNTER in the main bar, a jazzed up cellar bar and a shiny new front design to wow punters in Westminster."
Firstly there is the closure to deal with, The Westminister Arms is full of socialists and for some reason TB's lobby pass still hasn't arrived, so that rules out the cheap beers in the Palace. But secondly, and more importantly, what is wrong with the Red Lion now? It's about the last decent pub centrally that isn't trying to be anything other than a watering hole and frankly its dingyness adds to its charm. It's rammed almost every night and no one one wants to rest their pints on a jacket potato stall. Just leave it alone! If it ain't broke...


Well it was only a matter if time before things kicked off when Nick Cohen was invited to a pub to debate the cream of the British blogosphere. The Westminster Sceptics debate last night was rather dry until a longer than necessary refreshments break. As soon as the panel, which included Isaby, Sunny Hundal, Slugger and Guido, sat back down things got heated. Telling fellow panellists to eff off and members of the audience that "a seven year old retarded child' could make better points anyone would think Cohen was trying as hard as Rod Liddle to secure the editorship of The Independent.

Much fun had by all though and good to put some faces to names.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Parliamentary Delusion

From whatever way you look at it, the three MPs can in no way claim Parliamentary Privilege. Though it was in very different circumstances at the time, just look no further than the book that Michael Martin

at Damian Green:
I should also remind the House, as stated in chapter 7 of “Erskine May,” that parliamentary privilege has never prevented the operation of the criminal law. [Interruption.] Order. The Joint Committee on Parliamentary Privilege in its authoritative report in 1999 said that the precincts of the House are not and should not be

“a haven from the law”.

There is therefore no special restriction on the police searching the parliamentary precincts in the course of a criminal proceeding—nor has there ever been.
If that was the rules in those ridiculous circumstance, then they definitely apply when there is actually evidence of a crime taking place.

Monday Cartoon

Birds of a Teather

Regular readers will remember TB's recent attack on Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Teather and more specifically her dodgy office expenses. Read up

, or watch
for a recap. Well it seems her lawyers keep strange hours. Late on Sunday night TB was emailed a letter reportedly from Wragge & Co LLP warning him that an Member in the middle of tight, bitter fight to remain in Parliament would be willing to see her entire expenses arrangement dragged through the courts in the middle of a general election campaign. Apparently Ms Teather, who used taxpayers money to directly aid her election campaign, has taken objection to being called a "thief":
"The complaint alleges that Ms Teather claimed expenses incurred in campaigning. As you will also know, that allegation is very strongly denied by Ms Teather. It is disappointing therefore that you have decided the matter yourself, ahead of the outcome of Mr Lyon’s investigation, and have publicly pronounced Ms Teather a thief.

We have advised Ms Teather that your publication is actionable in defamation, and that the defamation is serious. The outcome of a claim against you will be entirely predictable once Mr Lyon has reported.

We therefore invite you to withdraw your assertions, and require you not to repeat them. Failing such withdrawal, or upon any repetition, we are instructed to advise Ms Teather further on the commencement of proceedings against you."
Well TB certainly awaits the Lyon report with bated breath. When will people finally realise that threatening legal action to people online can only make things worse? In the mean time by all means feel free to describe Ms Teather as a thief on your own blogs. She can't sue us all.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Tears for Piers

What does a politician, often seen as cold and aloof, do when they are up against the polls? Well let's ask Brown's old Democrat hero Hillary Clinton:

That's right, an overwhelming show of emotion is one of the last cards a desperate politician has to play. TB has no doubt Brown's raw emotion displayed was genuine. The pain of losing someone is there everyday, but his timing must be drawn into question. Brown is an elusive and intensely private person, who's emotions normally only manifest in throwing Nokias and staff members out of their chairs. His team negotiate interviews intensely, hence how furious he was when Marr redeemed his previous Brown-nosing with

that question
in September.

Make no mistake, his appearance on the Piers Morgan show would have been negotiated and debated behind the scenes, with the exact line of questioning known to him. He has spoken before and even attacked David Cameron for using his children in the political world so the sudden u-turn can only be for electoral reasons. Of course the pain is real but you can't have it both ways. You can't attack people for using their children and then expect not to be called out when you do it yourself to a far far greater scale. Labour were quick to jump on Cameron's one line mention of the death of his son, just months previously, in his conference speech. Yet deafly silence from the left about this. Funny that.

So now the PM is getting an hour's "normalisation" period on prime time television next weekend to use for his own electoral advantage, when can we look forward to seeing a close friend interview Cameron for an hour on ITV?

Friday, 5 February 2010

Tea Party at the Commons

A date for the diary - Wednesday, 3rd March 2010. It's that time of year again, the YBF Parliamentary Rally. Always a sound occasion. Speakers, including Shadow Cabinet members, will engage directly at this exclusive parliamentary gathering with discussion on issues such as:

- civil liberties, ID cards and the database state
- the European Union and freedom
- foreign policy threats and opportunities
- Gordon Brown’s recession
- the upcoming General Election

It will be a tour de force of current Conservative thinking and plans to change the country. For security reasons, speakers will be announced over the coming weeks on
and at the
YBF site

TB is speaking apparently. Get your ticket

A Little Letter Goes a Long Way

So fantastic news that finally someone is going to be held accountable for their actions. Three Labour MPs, Chaytor, Morely and Jim Devine and Tory peer Lord Hanningfield will be in the dock.

As TB expressed last night he was unsure how the first three were expecting to be cleared. TB is particarly happy to see the Devine files being passed on to the CPS. It was, with his
day job
hat on, he who orginally put the complaint about Devine into the Met:

Congratulations to Paul Hutcheon at the Sunday Herald who has kept the pressure on Devine for years and made sure all the allegations saw the light of day.

This is an important step toward fixing this rotten parliament.

Caption Contest:

Prize for what each of the Tory front bench is thinking.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Is Devine Going To Get Away With It?

Labour's Jim Devine faked up a VAT number on a mocked receipt for some building work that may or may not have been undertaken by his mate from the pub. He then filed the fake reciept. Already he has been sacked by Labour but he is a fraudster who should be sent down.

TB is slightly unnerved by the lovely Cathy Newman's
tonight that only two MPs will be prosecuted. They will surely be phantom mortgage lads Chaytor and Morely. There seems to be little way you could do one with out the other.

But that can't mean Devine is going to get away with it? It's an open shut fraud case?!