Monday, 21 September 2009

Exclusive: Civil Service - Eurosceptics need not apply.

Everyone knows that the Civil Service, especially the FCO has an inherent left-wing and nauseatingly pro-European bias these days, rarely do we get to see the proof in writing though. Well if you were ever wondering what the Sir H's of this country do in order to make sure this bias will continue for another generation, check out these questions that are currently part of the Civil Service fast track exam:

"Many of the European Union’s critics subscribe to the view that the nation state, not an international organization, is the natural supreme political unit. They argue that insofar as transferences of power to the Union’s institutions undermine national sovereignty, they should be resisted. But what proponents of this view fail to recognise is that the member states of the Union were seeing their sovereignties being steadily eroded long before the Union was established. Whether it is because of the movements in financial markets, transfers of capital within multi-national corporations or changing trade patterns, virtually all European states have become increasingly affected by, and are at the mercy of, international developments they cannot control"
"The EU treaty is typically very different in character from the constitutions of nation states. Whereas the latter have little, if anything to say about policy, the EU treaty has policy as its main concern. The nature of that concern is such that many have suggested that the policy framework in the Treaty is guided by a clear philosophy or ideology, that of free market, liberal, non-interventionist capitalism. There is much in this view, and the market mechanism and the need to prevent abuses to competition are accorded a high priority. There are, on the other hand, few references to ways in which joint activities and intervention should be promoted for non-market purposes."

No prizes for guessing what the correct answer is. It is not the duty of the suits to decide our policy toward Europe, they should be ready to implement the decisions of the government. Which, touch wood, in a matter months will be distinctly more Eurosceptic than the current one. Why are they not preparing for this fact instead of getting ready to dig their heels in?

An absolute disgrace.

Thank you to the aspiring bureaucrat who tipped TB off.

Has Eric been reading TB?

TB was just tucking into a most spectacular bangers and mash for lunch when this popped into his inbox:

Hello Chums Dear Tory Bear,

I have a very simple message for Liberal Democrat voters this week: the Conservative Party is the only party that can bring the change we need.

Of course, I'm not expecting them to become card carrying members of the Conservative Party overnight.

Instead, I'm asking them to help form a progressive alliance to get rid of this failed Labour Government. An alliance built on our shared aims of personal freedom, a commitment to the environment, and a desire to protect the most vulnerable at home and in the rest of our world.

Has Mr Pickles been watching TB's video this this morn?

Probably not.


The Blue Blog
is reporting the short-list for the Tory t-shirt competition. Most are pretty cringe:

Yes we Cam
Release your inner Tory
Vote Blue not Brown
Cam Can

Don’t blame me I voted Tory
A picture of Gordon Brown and the words ‘The weak are a long time in politics’
New Labour 1997 – 2010…end of an error
A picture of Gordon Brown with the word ‘Fail’ underneath

Has to be the last one.

A case of mistaken identity...

If TB were Timothy Kirkhope he would be pretty pissed off with

Open Europe
who really should have known better than to tell their thousands of email subscribers he'd had the whip removed in their weekly bulletin:

Sent: 16 September 2009 11:38
Subject: Open Europe press summary: 16 September 2009

Timothy Kirkhope MEP expelled from Conservative Party

The BBC reports that Timothy Kirkhope MEP has been expelled from the Conservative Party. He was suspended in July after he stood as a candidate for European Parliament Vice-President against the official candidate of the European Conservatives and Reformists grouping. He said he was "shocked" at the decision to expel him and described it as "vengeful and fruitless", adding that he would appeal against it. He also said that, "David Cameron has been exploited by those in his party who want Britain to leave Europe: I want Britain to lead in Europe."

Think they might have been talking about MacMillan-Scott.


Lib Dem Conference Special

Such utterly illiberal comments spouted at the Liberal Democrat conference could not go unchecked. TB also wanted to play with the Adobe suite he has got hold of.


Monday Morning Cartoon

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Beyond the Spin

Forgive the purely Lib Dem focus this today, it is their conference week so someone has to give them some coverage. There is even a video on the way, delayed by 24 hours due to a fried sound card on TB's computer.

The spin of their rally last night is really starting to unravel now. In reply to TB's earlier post, a useful commenter has provided their take on last night's apparent Rennard love-in:

"He got polite applause prior to speaking whilst engaged in a uncomfortably close on-stage clinch with Baroness Scott, the women who tried to cover-up that he hadn't been properly investigated by the party. I can't verify a rumour that during the rehearsal he had to be told several times where to put his hands.

There was then a stage managed ovation at the end with some in the audience sitting on their hands, and many others pretending to join in with fake clapping. One idiot/flunky at the back of the room was trying to bray approvingly at everything he said but had no fellow travelers in the audience.

The highlights of his speech included the news that he had miraculously recovered from the 'illness' that caused his resignation earlier in the year. How unfortunate that he resigned so prematurely...

The other was that he was still available to advise the party should they want him. Good news for troughing peers struggling with ways of evading the rules. In particular Baroness Scotland might wish to ask him how he has got away so far with lying about living in a holiday home for most of the year whilst working full time in Central London.

After the speech he was presented with two framed pictures of great liberal leaders, Gladstone and Lloyd George I think... very considerate of the party... one for each home."

Those last two lines have to be the quote of the day.

TB's eyes and ears on the fringe have reported back today that

Mr Fawkes
put the question to a fringe event audience of whether Lord Rennard should be allowed to keep the forty odd grand he has lined his pockets with through his housing arrangements. Not one person in the room put up their hands in agreement.

Including Lynne Featherstone MP who was in attendance.

Lifting the Lib

Total Politics' Amber Elliot

on some Lib Dem conference hijinks:

"Incidentally, I have just been informed about something to watch out for at this year’s conference. It is a game being played by three young London students with conference passes, entitled ‘Lifting the Lib’. Imagine a consensual and less painful version of ‘happy slapping’ and you are more or less there.

According to my source, it involves one young man taking charge of the camera, while the other two find a recognisable MP or their researcher. When they stumble upon a suitable candidate, they pick up the well-suited man/woman under each arm, lifting their feet off the ground, while the third young scamp simply points and clicks. While this behaviour is obviously irresponsible, I am told that it has all been taken in jest."

If anyone has the photos TB is up for running them...

PS He is also tempted to head down to Bournemouth and hover up some gossip and cause some trouble on Tuesday. A dreadful idea or worth it for a laugh?


The Lib Dem blogosphere is in near hysteria over last night's "rally" which was so well organised that it went out live on tv up against a little program called X-Factor. Coverage guaranteed!

TB couldn't help but laugh when reading

one particular account
which described the expenses troughing Lord Rennard receive a standing ovation before he had even said a word. Now TB knows that the bonkers Lib Dems want to give criminals the vote, so having them in the Lords is only a natural progression from that:

"After 27 years of service to the party there was probably hardly anyone in the hall that didn't offer some debt of gratitude to Chris, and indeed his wife Anne, down through the years. He admitted himself that he is now getting around to putting the life into the work-life balance equation. He was clearly deeply moved by the reaction he got from his Lib Dem family at the end of his words.

Then Sarah Teather took over the compering..."

TB is sure Sarah is particularly grateful to Chris Rennard and vica versa, but he does wonder if she gets on quite so well with Anne.

Will Scotland survive this?

In more respecatble days she would have resigned already, but you would think this has to be the last straw:

However the slippery tendencies of this government and their near inability to ever fire anyone, let alone ask for a resignation, means Scotland will probably try to fight it.

It is very interesting to note however that the Cabinet Office have come out fighting very quickly. The acid tongue of Liam Byrne is not one any politician would like to fight, even if you are the Attorney General. The illegal immigrant situation is dependent on an inquiry, it was bad yes and it is not over yet, but this new secondary scandal taps right into the public anti-expenses/greed rage.

Some might say there is a definite prima facie case to answer but lets see how Sunday/Monday plays out...

TB reckons she could be toast.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Liberal Lies

"Ending tuition fees would cost billions of pounds every year. We need to be certain we can afford it before we make any promises."

Oh dear. Liberal Youth built their entire freshers recruitment campaign around this issue. Proudly boasting that they were the only party who would fight for free education. However anyone with half a brain cell and a smidgen of foresight would see that this was going to have to happen. The activists won't be happy. The Lib Dem machine is playing this one slow but this announcement is the death knell for the policy. It will not be in the Lib Dem manifesto.

TB imagines there will be much stroking of beards in Bournemouth tonight after this announcement. Too bad for Elaine Bagshaw and Liberal Youth that their postcards full of lies and false promises have already been handed out across every university in the country:

Epic fail.

UPDATE 20.31: TB is looking forward to an apology from Stephen Glenn who
branded him a liar
for suggesting that the Lib Dems were considering scrapping their free education policy. A tweet will be fine.

Conservative Future results imminent...

Conservative Future are interviewing for three new positions today - a media role, researcher and a Youtube chief.

Interviews are happening right now.

You'll know when TB knows.


A Message to the People of Ireland

Tip of the hat to

the King
for this one.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Hermione H-C reports from the ECR meeting in Prague:

My life seems to be an endless round of countdowns at the moment: 17 days to Tory Conference where I can finally discuss the new hunting season with Fi (I know Boxing Day is three and half months away, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared), and 14 days until the second Irish Referendum. When will the third Irish Referendum be? Sometime between the second and fourth. Ha ha. My horribly pro-EU friend Ed is pitifully gleeful - verily bouncing around on his seat with anticipation of Poland and the Czechs rolling over 'when' the Irish vote yes. I suspect the joke will be on him - I'm assured that Vaclav Klaus is made of sterner stuff than that. And of course he has the indomitable Brits backing him up. They say that to be born British is to win the lottery of life - there's some way yet to go before we come under the yoke of Europe, say I!

Speaking of lotteries, Dan's opened up an office sweepstake on that Irish Vote; percentages yes : no, that sort of thing. Actually, he's done two and I'm very cross with him for the second, as it's a sweepstake on how many days after the vote the Lisbon Treaty will be signed. Treason, surely? How can he be so horribly cynical? To add insult to injury, I pulled 'two days' out of the hat. Never have I been more conflicted!

In our office we've had Obama on repeat all week uttering the immortal line "that guy is such a jackass!". Never mind the heir to Blair, I'm all for Cameron being Barack for the Brits. We had our very own 'hissy fit' moment in Strasbourg this week with Daniel Cohn-Bendit sounding off in the Hemicycle during the votes for President of the Commission. Now, my French isn't great (although the dreamy Phillipe, my tutor says my accent really is coming along quite nicely - not to mention my Gauloises smoking technique - he says I could be mistaken for a Parisienne!), but I translated his interjection roughly as "President? Imma stop you there. You're alright and all, but that dude Obama is a much better President".

TB is rather looking forward to catchcing up with HHC in person in Manchester...

Hannan Smeared Again

"Barack Obama has an exotic background, and it would be odd if some people weren’t unsettled by it. During the campaign, he made a virtue of his unusual upbringing. He was at once from the middle of the country (Kansas) and from its remotest edge (Hawaii). He was both black and white. He was a Protestant brought up among Muslims. He seemed to have family on every continent. Like St Paul, he made a virtue of being all things to all men. On one level, the strategy worked brilliantly. But it could hardly fail to leave a chunk of people feeling that Obama wasn’t exactly a regular guy."

Where in that quote does Daniel Hannan

"excuse racism"
? He displays an understanding of American politics and culture that goes far beyond the likes of increasingly idiotic
Sunny Hundal
, the normally level headed
Alex Smith
and of course smear
text book
Tom Watson
. They have jumped on this as a pathetic attempt to drag Hannan through the mud, again. For telling the truth, again. It's always a sign that a story has no legs when the only person the lefties can find to give a quote is the attention-whore Parmjit Dhanda.

Give up mate, base attacks and playing the race-card isn't going to save your seat.

How Low Will Alastair Campbell Fall?

It’s a new low in terms of hypocrisy and barefaced lies when Alastair Campbell
has a go at the media
for giving Cameron an easy ride. He says the media are being mean to Gordon Brown and won’t ask Dave about drugs. Which leads to TB to wonder if Campbell is back on the sauce? He cannot be serious.

This is coming from the man whose ruthless stance as media Pied Piper drove a man to suicide. But hey! You know, some diaries here, a “v-log” there and he’s everyone’s favourite insta-pundit now. How can Campbell dare suggest that the media are going too hard on Gordon when he devoted years in opposition to systematically trashing Major’s reputation and undermining him at every turn, something his credibility as a politician has taken more than a decade to recover from.

And the media going soft on Cameron? Oh please, he has been tried and tested and has passed the test. Accept that people want him to lead; the media know Brown is on the way out, they know he is useless and frankly they know he is toast. Was it any different when Campbell was harassing hacks, making and breaking careers, dominating the tabloids? No of course it wasn’t. Blair didn’t get his early holier-than-though, check me out, nice guy image by accident did he! Just this week Campbell admitted to a group of students at Glasgow University that the only flaw in the Malcolm Tucker portrayal of him was the fact he didn’t swear as much, so forgive TB if he calls this bullshit out in no uncertain terms.

The entire rant by Campbell smacks of desperation, smacks of bitter resentment that his mortal enemies have learnt from his mistakes and he is clearly finding it hard to accept that frankly some new kids came along who are better than him.

Time to go back to the porno novels mate.

See What You Can Do

TB went to the Millennium Dome for the first time last night, or to give it its correct name, the 02 arena. He had a fantastic time and it is a stunning venue, not only for the facilities, interior, ease of access etc,
but as tweeted at the time
, on a deeper level too. The building is the perfect physical embodiment of the Labour Party's decade of destruction in office. Like New Labour, it was a hollow shambolic shell that was built first, and then it was decided what would fill it. The glossy exterior was in fact a poor veneer that failed to hide what a spectacular vacuous failure it was while it was run by the state. It was spun, promoted, twisted but ultimately failed.

Then they sold it off to a private company, introduced market forces - there is now a thriving almost high street like array of bars and restaurants, each competing with one another and seemingly doing a roaring trade. A little bit of freedom from the state and an escape from sheer incompetence on the part of the government and suddenly, almost over night the building is a success.

There's a lesson there somewhere.

A Woman's Right to Choos

Sister Bear's

latest column
for the Evening Standard is sure to set the tin-foil hat brigade (they know who they are,) right off. Will they be able to handle the fact that she quotes Nadine Dorries? Dear lord, it must be further proof of the big right-wing conspiracy:

"Unwittingly I had strayed into a war zone: this week the TUC said it would like to see heels, which it terms “sexist” and “inappropriate”, outlawed in the workplace. Suddenly I'd been elevated not just by a key few inches but to the status of an activist.

As though her Louboutins were about to be impounded, Tory MP Nadine Dorries raged in the blogosphere: “I feel like a lone voice speaking out for every woman … Don't worry, girls. I will not give up on this. The unions will not have their way and defeminise us.”

There is something irresistible in the idea that one of the final acts of Brown-era dreariness could be the banning of heels."

All those rants by TB seem to have paid off!

He keeps telling SB to start her own blog...

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Jonah strikes again:

The poor little dude from Diversity falls foul of the curse of Gordon Brown..

Looks extremely painful and made all the worse by the cuddle from Balls Brown and Mandy afterwards.

Poor kid.

H/T -

Comrade Blaney

What's Pickles fishing for?

Intriguing nugget from in Hansard from yesterday:

Mr. Pickles: To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office what payments Ms Polly Toynbee has received from her Department in the last five years; and for what purposes.

Angela E. Smith: There is no record in the Department’s accounting system of any payments made to Ms Toynbee over the last five years.

Mr. Pickles: To ask the Minister for Women and Equality what payments (a) the Government Equalities Office and (b) the Equality and Human Rights Commission have made to Ms Polly Toynbee; and for what purposes.

Maria Eagle: The Government Equalities Office and the Equality and Human Rights Commission have made no payments to Polly Toynbee.

Polly on the payroll wouldn't really be a surprise though.