Sunday, 29 March 2009

Well it seems sex scandals are all the rage again. Nigel's tried to get the Screws
, and failed and just watch Mr Smith
cringe and squirm
after he
an evening with Madam Palm and her five lovely daughters to the taxpayer.

And if that wasn't enough, here are TB's must read articles from the rest of the Sunday papers:
  • The Telegraph reports that the Government overtakes P&G in terms of advertising.
  • Lord Myners may be in trouble for his tax haven hypocrisy but it seems he's also a drag queen according to the NOTW.
  • India Knight has some home truths about rape and one night stands in The Times
  • David Mitchell grins and bears the recession in The Observer
  • The Times also has a pretty scary letter from a nutter in Wales.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Rules of political campaigning #87

Anyone who has ever stood in an election that has got a little dirty, or has had very vocal opponents or faced unfriendly press knows one golden rule that must never be broken. If someone makes an accusation against you, never ever repeat it as it gives it bite. Nixon's "I'm not a crook!" being the most famous example of this, yet it never fails to surprise TB just how stupid people can be at times.
Say you were standing for re-election after a year in office where you narrowly escaped a cop and also cocked up massively on the one project that would be the most obvious and visual impact your organisation would make in a year. Would you try to put these attacks in the past, learn from them and grow, or would you stupidly think it would be a good idea to regurgitate them all over the internet in some shallow defensive move. Well once again step forward Miss Elaine Bagshaw of Liberal Youth:

(click to enlarge)

TB has managed to track down some screen shots of the short lived Mythbuster page on Bagshaw's
re-election site
. They disappeared after any Lib Dem activist with a brain laughed their head off. They make for an interesting read and they are a pathetic attempt at redemption after a year of failure. One thing TB has noticed that really riles any member of Liberal Youth is any mention of their Freshers recruitment campaign this year. Apparently the rumour went about that Elaine had allegedly paid over £500 for the design of the materials without signing off on them with her executive or the Cowley St staffer. TB often laughed at, though ultimately dismissed the recurring joke that the materials were designed on MS Paint. Having seen them though, he doesn't know what to believe now:

Apart from being just generally awful they do look a lot like something designed on Paint, especially when they are enlarged.

Tott or Not.

Quentin Letts
has been discussing the poll to find the sexiest female policitcian in the world. Is it any wonder we didn't too well?
TB has an idea for a rather fun game in the run up to the next election. Whenever that will be.

Another nail in the coffin...

Greetings from the extremely sporadic free wifi onboard the Edinburgh to Kings Cross. TB is on his way home after finishing his last week of university. There are only finals between him and the big wide world.

Just spotted this

fantastic piece of news
. Without asking it being requested, Obama is taking an hour out of his G20 schedule for a meeting with DC. As he has made it perfectly clear in the past, TB doesn't care much for Obama but how does the old saying go about your enemy's enemy being a friend? The G20 bubble has burst for Gordon. So much hope and expectation was pinned on it, to the extent it was openly talked about in Labour circles as a potential launch pad to go to the country if it went well. If that happens this bear will eat his hat.

This is yet another wound to Gordon's already diminished leadership. Avoid flying mobile phones in Downing St today.

Friday, 27 March 2009

When the Twit hits the fan...

Ah the joys of

. TB is one of those annoying anti-Twitter fans who uses the service arguably a little too much, but does so in an ironic way. Hence why this made him laugh:

You can follow Tory Bear on Twitter

Hat-Tip to
Super Man Can Fly
for the vid.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Derek and Clive Guido Live

Although the BBC chickened out and wouldn't run

Guido's video
from California, not to worry, TB thinks the t-shirt says it all:
Draper looked like a highly flammable, polyester clad tramp and was told to shut-up by Andrew Neil. It seems his tactic was just to shout everyone down and he went off on one at every oppotunity. Pretty poor performance really.

Watch it all here.
Best quote had to be from Guido: "I go after crooked politicians, you are a crooked politician"

Citizen Hannan

If you have ten minutes at breakfast, or maybe you have a coffee break today... whatever happens, find the time to watch Dan Hannan be interviewed on FoxNews. The British MSM have ignored this speech and the public have led the news agenda online. Fox tip him as a future PM and some sort of quasi-viral saviour of the world.

Hannan articulated everything this country wanted to shout at Brown and no nicer chap could deserve the success.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Do SkyNews know something we don't?

TB was just watching SkyNews and their special program they are doing on Pakistan. They were interviewing Communities Minister and MP for Tooting Sadiq Khan. However there seems to be some confusion about who Khan really speaks for:
Oh dear.
Thanks to the
for the photo handy work.

Anyone else noticed...

The last few times TB has taken money out of a cash machine, nice RBS ones in Edinburgh, he has been given crisp, clean, brand new notes... His flatemates and a couple of others have noticed this as well.

It's odd, it's almost as if they are printing notes. Lots and lots of new notes.

Tomorrow belongs to them.

Ok sorry to go into overload with the videos today but this is simply something that cannot be seen without passing comment. Melanie Philips gives a pretty terrifying

into the fact that Obama's campaign has seemingly never stopped and that branded activists are still hitting the streets winning support for their President, against well anyone who is willing to stand up to him. This unconstitutional move is made even more chilling by this quote from one of the Organising for America team in Birmingham, Alabama:

‘We're looking for supporters,’ said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. ‘We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.’

Well bear in mind that thought and apply it to this little video that is doing the rounds:

It has all the hallmarks of a good old school, Fuhrer loving, propaganda sing song. There they are, the children of the nation, standing in front of an emblem that is quite clearly not the flag of the country, but instead a logo that has been created to represent one particular style of overbearing politics. The symbol is worshiped and respected, remind you of anything else yet?

It's as if the clearly bonkers lady conducting the choir has taken the very worst bits of the Hitler Youth, thrown in some good old North Korean style loyalty and sprinkled a liberal helping of Californian nutjobs on top and filmed it. The most terrifying bit is the toothless, cutish, little seven year old, proudly wearing her uniform and singing about they are going to "change it, and re-arrange it". What the hell is that meant to mean exactly? Rearrange it? Rearrange what? Is she implying that the time has come for the forcible redistribution of property, because that's what it sounds like to TB! The time has come America. This is what you get for not standing up to glossy campaigns and being swept up on a roller-coaster of hysteria. There is absolutely no difference between the Obama Youth and the scene here from Cabaret, ie Germany 1936:

These children had no choice, they don't know what they are singing about. A whole generation of kids are being bought up to believe that Obama is the messiah and that anyone who stands up to him and what he advocates is evil and wrong. It's sick - look at the fervent faces of the parents, goading their kids on and cheering as they spout militant propaganda.

End rant.

In the Loop

TB has beenway too excited about the Armando Iannucci film coming out on the 17th April. The Thick of It was by far the best thing the BBC has put out in years and judging on this clip, the film looks as if it will be a roaring success:

Can't wait!

Hat-Tip -

The Blue Blog
- not the tories one!

PS. sorry about two videos in a row but think the both deserve it. Since TB and co started posting the Citizen Hannan yesterday, it has gone on to be the headline story on the biggest poltical blog in the world -
, and the most viewed video, of all videos, on


Tuesday, 24 March 2009

The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.

Just spotted this little video on

Douglas Carswell's
blog. Gordon went to see the European Parliament today and Daniel Hannan MEP absolutely owned him:

Funnily enough the BBC
aren't going
with this story. Daniel Hannan is spot on though and he truly stands up for the rage that the people of this country feel.

Surely the time must come soon for Mr Hannan to head to Westminster...

Goody and Gordon

TB wasn't going to blog about Jade Goody but there is one point that has stuck out in his mind ever since Gordon "the era of celebrity is over" Brown took time out of saving the world and offered his two cents. Goody didn't have such friends in high places when she was a national hate figure after her racist outbursts and the general embarrassment that was that series of Big Brother. TB was never a fan of Goody but he wouldn't wish such a vile and cruel punishment on anyone.

What really angered him though was Gordon's statement that "the whole country has admired her determination to provide a bright future for her children." Yes we do, and yes that is the basic driving force for most of humanity, and yes Gordon you are a hypocrite. No Prime Minister or Chancellor has done more to wound the chances of being able to do this more so than Gordon. 45% rates of tax, lampooning of bankers or anyone else with a vague capitalistic streak and stealing 40% of people property when they are powerless to stop it - when they are dead.

Gordon jumped on the band wagon but should take a long hard look in the mirror. The left have always hated the family, just as they hate any barrier that comes between the state and the individual, and yet he has the audacity to state that we should be proud of Goody's inherent capitalist streak and and shameless desire to leave her children something behind. Why is Goody allowed to do this and the rest of us are not?

Instead of two bit statements and faux grief in order to win some headlines, actions speak louder than words Mr Brown.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Move along people...

What has really surprised TB about the Liberal Youth elections is just what a bunch of illiberal spinners they really are. It has been

noted elsewhere
that the Returning Officer has specifically banned the publication of an article that criticises the candidates from being included in an online Liberal Youth membership magazine. You can read the article below:

What an absolute joke. An official of the organisation is once again stamping out discussion of the farcial elections. Through censorship and attempts to silence, more people will now have read that piece thanks to publicity it has now receieved. The Returning Officer Mark Valladares puts up a weak arguement about affecting the results of the election, but last time TB checked isn't that the point of having a campaign?

Not long to the big finale now...

Five mins with Dave...

In yet another high profile result for Richard Jackson and the

Conservative Future website
, DC has taken part in the regular Q and A:
Sadly he just sticks to the message and doesn't really offer much else, but the fact that he agreed with Iain Dale that people should join CF to get laid, made TB chuckle, given the fact he has just finished his dissertation on why young people joined in the 1950s, with that being the basic answer. Apologies for the lack of blogging in the last couple of days. Having handed in the tome on Friday, TB hit the town. Was an epic weekend and he hopes the Liberal Youth hacks didn't miss him too much. Bumping into CCHQ's Head of New Media at about 2am on Saturday night was a particularly surreal moment too! Anyway Normal service will now resume, and TB has something rather interesting in his possession about a certain candidate for Chairman of Young Labour.

What larks, eh Sam?

Welcome to Scotland...

In the last few days the new

Google Street View
has been trawled for people doing funny things, or boobies. No surprise though that the camera cars were given such a warm and hospitable welcome to Scotland's capital. Amongst the strip clubs and brothels of the Lothian Road one man doesn't like Google very much:
TB is also a little concerned you can see into his bedroom on there.
What are Google plotting?

We are going to wake up one morning and they would have taken over the world.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Freedom to party.

TB handed in his dissertation at noon.

Back at the weekend.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Waste of sign.

Just incase you fancied a cheeky one while having your passport photos taken:

No shit.

Thanks to "The Pizza Boy" who spotted this in the St James's Shopping Centre, Edinburgh.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

It was only a matter of time:

"In the end all Labour Chancellors run out of money and all Labour governments bring this country to verge of bankruptcy. Stability has gone out the window, prudence is dead, Labour has done it again."

- George Osborne, November 2008.

A message from the Bagshaw bunker:

This little bit of intrigue just pinged into TB's inbox:

Dear Tory Bear,

I’m the creator of the Liberal Youth Downfall video. I’m writing this because of the way that Bagshaw and her lackeys are trying to make Sara take the rap for all the leaks, and are trying to spin the idea that she was the only person to blame for the video, and everything else; even trying to chuck her off the exec before she resigned.
This is straight out of laa-laa fantasy land, and tries to make out that everyone in Liberal Youth is whiter-than-white, and if only Sara hadn’t come along and spoiled it for everyone else. The truth is that half the members and activists and exec are up to their necks in this, and we’re all leaking like the Titanic. Sara may be mentally unbalanced, like Elaine says, but she had nothing to do with the
I figure Sara probably did leak her resignation email to you. But as for the other stuff, it’s not like only a select few people know. Half of LY knows all this. Hell, half the bloody party know this stuff. The reason the Downfall video’s been so damaging is that every line is based on some fact – like someone said on the public LY forums, “The worst thing about that video is how stunningly accurate it all is.”
And no, of course I didn’t mean the ‘libellous’ line about Elaine and Clegg literally. Of course that never happened, and I withdraw any suggestion it did. IT WAS A METAPHOR!!! But fuck it, she might as well have been giving him head
, since it seems to sum up her toadying, sycophantic attitude towards him. Look at the whole way she’s handled the fees thing (see the video).

LY trying to track me down with an ‘investigation’ is hilarious. They can’t work out simple things like:

  • Tory Bear’s alter ego is one of 200 members of the facebook group Sara sent her message to – so no leak was needed. All this talk of her having leaked that's just pure fantasy. Several Labour members are in that group, too, so it would have leaked anyway.
  • Let’s stop kidding ourselves - we're all gossiping like mad, and we're all passing on emails like mad, so the list of leak suspects must have several hundred people on it. This has all been out in the open for ages. If the list includes everyone Elaine’s pissed off in the last year, then it’s endless.

If they need things like that spelt out, then good luck to ‘em! Hell, even though I hadn't leaked anything before, I was going to leak Sara’s Saturday night message myself, and was beaten to it by Tory Bear publishing it before I’d even emailed it to him. That gives you an idea of the kind of dynamic we have in LY at the moment.

Oh, and thanks for posting the edited version of the Downfall video – I was about to do that myself!

I've enclosed a picture you can add to your website - enjoy.

I’m close to Elaine. Much closer than she thinks. And I’m keeping my eye on Sara too.

This election’s not over yet.

This image was also attached, don't shoot the messenger:
TB reckons V should set up a Liberal Youth blog.