Thursday, 24 July 2008

Disraeli? Salisbury? Pitt? Peel?

The Southall Group , no sorry the Disraeli Club ... no wait The Salisbury Club, the CF dining, fundraising and lash society are holding their election for a treasurer.
The chairman (Cllr and general CF legend) Ben Howlett is holding the election via Facebook - it's well advertised and all members are allowed to vote... (maybe he should run CLWCF!) Send him a message to cast your vote before Sunday 12pm.

Ben said "The job involves collecting money at our monthly dinners and working out our profit to be given to CF. Maths skills is a plus."

TB recommends a basic grasp of VAT would also be appropriate eh?

There are three people up for election,

Stuart Turner
Clare Hilley
Ben Gray

Get in touch with them to find out who they are etc

TB's money is on Claire Hilley...

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

"I think I fancy Boris..."

When TB sees those ruddy red cheeks, blonde floppy hair, his knees go weak...

Budding young London Tories packed out the downstairs of an exclusive Whitehall watering hole with one intention and one intention only... The Boris photo op... Facebook profiles across the London network will no doubt be updated with pictures of a Boris back to his famous form.
Thanking Conservative Future for the fantastic effort that they put in during his campaign to become Mayor of London, the cash was behind the bar and the flesh was being pressed.

Arriving a characteristically 40 minutes late, BJ split the room like some sort of 20th century Moses... Half of the hacks instantly dived on the "devilishly handsome man," while the other slightly cooler CF players held back munching on the canapes. They were clearly way too sound to let on that their idol had just brushed past their artfully distressed jeans and jacket combo.

Hearts were fluttering throughout the room, a small queue of pretty young CF girles formed whenever the poor lad stopped. Fighting the heat of a packed basement - or "dungeon" as he called it, Boris ripped off the tie off as he entered - he claimed later to be dressing down to meet George Osborne for supper.

...and then as soon as the Boris tornado arrived, he was gone. A certain rather gorgeous brunette made Tory Bear blush with her comment in his wake that "I don't care what it takes, I mean to have that man!"

A bloody good night seems to be had by all. In the post Boris haze, TB couldn't help laugh at the ever keen ABB corner "the second most important man in the room" for one of her no doubt intense chats.

For those girlies left standing the late arrival of MarClar was almost too much. The famous candidate, interns in tow, was cursing the fact he missed Boris for the second time that night- having crashed the GLA Summer Party under the guise of still being CF Chairman, (you better get on to that Rock!?) It didn't stop him handing out his own branded merchandise though... TB has yet to see a more dreadful business card...

The pen will come in handy though...

Monday, 21 July 2008

Finally got a real job...

Another busy week for Tory Bear- will be at work without the internet so blogging will be light.

Normal service resumes soon.

Upcoming posts will be something on the NME meeting when the minutes are finally released and TB will be getting lashed at the Boris "Thank You CF party" tomorrow night...

In the mean time send any goss, stories or pics to

Sunday, 20 July 2008

DJ sets and blue rosettes...

is a new political channel on the VEOH network. Currently showing some great documentaries about Thatcher and the history of the Party ToryTV is a welcome addition to the Party's online presence.
TB has been chatting to its founder Paul Nizhinsky about his fascinating political journey and where next for ToryTV...

Hailing from Dodsworth, a small former mining village outside of Barnsley, South Yorkshire Paul, 23 set up the channel after becoming increasingly frustrated about the lack of political content available on sites such as youtube. He hasn't always been a tory and kindly agreed to chat to TB about how he got to this point...

"I've been a party member since February 2007. After a very illuminating s
ummer between my second and third years studying Fine Art, I realised that everything I believed in (Marxism) was a big load of shit and little more than an extension of my own personal failings. I sorted myself out, stuck it out 'til the end on my stupid degree, and haven't looked back. Since that time I've lived in Sheffield, Leeds, and Barnsley so I've had little time to get stuck in with a particular association, though I did attend a wonderful dinner with Edward Leigh MP at Hallam. My (socialist) friends followed the cab there and, after speaking to Leigh outside, learned the awful truth. I suppose my own lefty past could be one of the things that drives me to make these videos more readily available."

When he isn't running the tv channel Paul is a budding electro DJ and fan of
Warp Records

"give [them] a try, it will change your life! They started in Sheffield at the back end of the '80s and have been cultivating the best experimental electronic music from around the globe ever since."

Anyone else up for the "new right club night" we discussed?

Q.Who are your political heroes?

A. "Heroes is a term I generally try to avoid because people have a tendency to get very presumptuous when you use it, but there are of course people I admire and respect. Boris is an easy one. You can't help but like the man and he's a wonderful example of someone not letting 'the men in the grey suits' dictate his character. As well as why you should never give in - that man's been fired so many times it's unbelievable! He's an enthusiastic historian and a journalist by trade (well, was), which we have in common/I aspire to. I'm probably going to upset many people by also saying Nigel Lawson! He's essentially a City man and, as with Boris, I do have something of a soft spot for Spectator editors. I disagree very strongly with his views on Europe and how this dictated his attitude to the ERM in the late '80s, but I feel many people let this overshadow his achievements as Chancellor in Lady Thatcher's second term. And although she was right on Europe, Lawson's actions after 1987 did set in motion the chain of events leading to White Wednesday. "

Paul seems like an extremely sound guy with a lot of ambition to take ToryTV places. TB urges anyone who is keen to see more political content online, especially since the 18 Doughty Street is no more, to get in touch with Paul. He mentioned to TB a desire to see his own content generated and TB has a sneaking suspicion this is going to go far... Spread the word about the channel and check out the great content already available.

Anyone looking for a Tory friendly electro DJ should also contact

Vote early, Vote often!

Iain Dale is putting together his Guide to Political Blogs 2008/09. This year it's for
Total Politics

Please vote for Tory Bear!

Details of how to submit your vote can be found

NME Meeting

The NME met for over four hours yesterday in CCHQ...

More info when TB gets hold of the minutes...

Saturday, 19 July 2008

James Skinner wins Bristol and Gloucestershire contest

Still working through the emails...
Know this isn't exactly massive news but when you look at the last round of CF elections that had just one contested AC election, it's good to see a well fought run off.

Congratulations to James Skinner who beat Laura Rose Saunders in the election to become Area Chair of Bristol and Gloucestershire.

UPDATE 00.15:

Thank you to the reader who got in touch to point out section 9.1.3 of the CF Constitution:

"9.1.3 if a casual vacancy arises for a CF Area Chairman, the NME may appoint a
new Area Chairman to serve until the next annual election;"

Anyone got an answer to why there was an election then?

Good to know there are other people who spend their Saturday nights worrying about these things too.

CFer takes on Gordon..

Catching up on emails after a busy week TB is most impressed to discover he now receives press-releases. This story caught his eye...

Sunlight Centre for Open Politics
has reported Gordon Brown to the Electoral Commission concerning allegations of illegal donations-in-kind.

Harry Cole and fellow CFer Amanda O'Brien set up the think-tank, that campaigns for more openness and transparency in the political process.

Cole, 22, the Vice-President of Conservative Future Scotland and senior rapporteur for COPs has written to the Electoral Commission following the Charity Commission report into the Smith Institute. The report confirmed information indicating that Gordon Brown received undeclared donations-in-kind from the Smith Institute in the form of the services of Bob Shrum, a pollster paid by the Institute who advised Gordon Brown on electoral strategy.

You can read his letter

TB wishes them both the best of luck with their crusade...

Bad Bear...

TB has been very naughty and is in lots of trouble apparently. He would like to make it clear that any insinuation of naughtiness in photos posted previous was not true nor funny... actually it was fucking funny, well not that funny.

Although he said so privately, here it is for all to see... sorry!

Apologies also for the lack of blogging recently. It's been a very, very long week and only just got the interweb thingy back up and running a TBHQ.

Back to normal next week.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Tories + Cocktails =

(click to enlarge)

So to Mahiki for the YBF summer party...

A solid effort to those early birds who managed to burn through the promised free cocktails in just 20 minutes.

TB is tired and still fairly hungover.

Come back tomorrow for more pictures and the gossip...

oi oi

Gate crash?

TB always knew that contact in Labour Students would come in useful...

"Dear Friend

I would like to invite you to a party to thank everyone for their hard work and support during the 2008 Mayoral election campaign.

The event takes place on Tuesday, 22nd July, Dingwalls in Camden from 6pm.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Ken Livingstone"

See you there indeed baldy...

Tory Bear is hungover...

Mahiki pictures to follow.

Email any you have to

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Hack Watch #1

Anyone who has known Sam Coates for the last couple of years knows that he has had one of the most exciting jobs going for a young, ambitious tory. Being Deputy Editor of
gives you influence way beyond most 22 year olds. As TB reported the other day Mr Coates has jumped from one position of power to another and in doing so has left a much coveted opening over at Con Home. They are now opening up the application process to anyone who meets their
and thinks they are up for the job... Will be a fantastic job for whoever gets it.

This also made TB laugh. A sound application:


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Pop Quiz #3

Which member of the NME collects comic books?

Standard rules apply.

Just to clarify...

Know his name is flying around at the moment rather a lot but to kill one of the rumours TB has it on good authority that Ed Hallam will not be working at ConservativeHome any time soon.

Statement on the CLWCF elections


Monday, 14 July 2008

Congratulations to Mr. Coates

has this an exclusive...

ConservativeHome's Deputy Editor, and CFer Samuel Coates is to become David Cameron's deputy speech writer...

Congratulations are in order!

+++Justine Greening tipped for Shadow Cabinet role+++

Justine Greening MP who looks after CF is set to be promoted to the Shadow Cabinet according to the
Evening Standard

This is fantastic news for Justine who has worked tirelessly with CF over the last few years and has led the membership boom from the top. CF owes her a lot.

It is unlikely Justine could continue with the CF role and a ministerial portfolio...

Who would you guys like to see take over?

Sunday, 13 July 2008

A Sunday night treat for you all...

This is of course a highly serious and intellectually stimulating blog. TB could make the point about how the BBC is dumbing down and not reporting serious news blah blah etc. While it is a total waste of taxpayers money blah blah etc this is a epic epic story:

"Suburban comfort for massive ram"

Laughed so hard Mummy Bear came to investigate what all the noise was...

What is wrong with the Welsh?

Yes this is a post about London. Wanna fight about it?

There are those that say CF is too "London-centric"* and then there are those in London that say CF is to CLWCF-centric! The flagship branch of City of London and Westminster have recently held their "elections". As
tBg has printed in full
, Ed Hallam (Deputy National Campaigns Director) has been duly elected Chair. The branch is famous for its Star Socials and excellent communication with its members, the website proudly boasts "Facebook has revolutionised our entire approach to campaigning and organisation. All of our events are announced through Facebook"

Oh really?

TB has been contacted by some members of CLWCF who missed out on one rather important recent meeting - the AGM! They claim they were given no notification of it taking place and TB can confirm there is no mention of it on Facebook!

TB got intouch with the new Chairman who was very helpful and seems like a rather nice bloke, he said all paid members were told about the AGM by post and given nomination forms.

Came as no surprise to TB's disgruntled CFers though that "All positions were unopposed"

* (TB also understands that there are those out there who moan that this blog is too London-centric. For the record - pipe down! If TB lived in Bangor it would be Bangor-centric. What a ridiculous complaint to make.)